
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing threat to modern human and veterinary healthcare and this … more

6 mins

Offering increased value and choice of NSAID solutions for pet pain management plans, Robexera, the latest addition to the Krka range, provides fast-acting and targeted pain relief for dogs.

3 mins

The current climate for the veterinary sector remains a busy yet challenging one. Veterinary practice … more

13 mins

Refreshing BRD protocols with your farm clients this year ? Krka have produced a practical guide to support this process, learn more here…

4 mins

“If I can buy a product at a lower cost, do I adjust my markup so I make more money and the price to the client remains the same, or do I want to make it a win-win in these challenging times, where if I can buy a product at a greater value for money I can adjust my markups so I can also pass on a saving to my clients?”

2 mins

Confused on best practice around pet parasiticide use? Use a risk based approach with this practical guide from KRKA. The key facts in a quick and simple read.

3 mins

Krka is one of the world’s leading generic pharmaceutical companies and our medicines are used … more

7 mins

Solve the coccidiosis challenge – listen to lamb and calf specific cocci podcasts, with vet experts Fiona Lovatt and Kat Hart.

5 mins

Krka’s animal health solutions provide daily added value for veterinary practices, with a commitment to keep the business end simple and deliver robust supply chain reliability.