SSPCA chief veterinary officer Ian Futter shares the background behind a new charity project that works with vets to provide basic health care for pets.
Nigel Dougherty BBA(Zoology), MSc, BVSc, MVSc(Wildlife Health), MANZCVS(Zoo Animal Medicine) outlines the sustainability pressures surrounding a multitude of species inhabiting Asia’s largest island.
Jenni McDonald PhD, MSc, BSc and Jane Clements MSc, RVN discuss work being done to encourage this practice to become the norm for feline patients, and the profession’s role.
To mark International Women’s Day, Charlotte Dawson reflects on how her leadership training for women is changing her approach to managing her team. She explores gender inequalities and the issues women face as they climb the career ladder.
Kathryn Cowley discusses various lifestyle changes that can be adopted by owners of dogs with OA, most of which are low cost or free through the use of a home assessment tool.
Kathryn Cowley's series about this condition continues with a focus on conveying the seriousness of OA to the client and ways to provide helpful information.
The dry period is an opportunity to rid the udder of any infection and prepare it for the coming lactation. Using the appropriate dry cow therapy also protects the udder once lactation has started.
Bristol student Hannah Shotnes reports on a talk about the inadequate management of canine arthritis, and the need for a change in attitude and approach to this common condition.