February 2017

Ben Garland describes surgery to remove a foreign body from the oesophagus, looking at alternative methods, potential complications and recovery.

26 mins

Mick Millar details his experience of examining a dead adult female African elephant.

13 mins

Hannah Capon in part one of this article, discusses how to engage with owners in such cases.

14 mins

Celia Marr looks at the latest information surrounding diseases affecting equines and available analgesic options.

13 mins

Elisabetta Mancinelli discusses ocular disease in rabbits and rodents, and how the increasing number of research investigations is improving the standards of care.

13 mins

Peter Edmondson discusses why vets are best placed to help farmers make the transition to selective dry cow therapy.

27 mins

David Rendle discusses the risk factors and methods of prevention for this condition, which mainly affects performance horses.

23 mins

Ariane Neuber looks at factors involved in canine ear disease, approach to investigation and therapy, and importance of early intervention.

29 mins

Vicki Nicholls recounts the heartfelt tale of when she had to say goodbye to her dog as an owner, rather than as a veterinarian.

8 mins

Ellen Lavender discusses how vet school doesn't prepare you for every eventuality you'll encounter in practice.

13 mins

Roger Evans looks at some of the issues affecting dairy farmers, including antibiotics and the continuing issues around bTB – especially on his own farm.

15 mins

Scott Rutherford discusses a variety of management options for this common arthritic condition seen in canine patients.

38 mins

Kerry Simpson following part 1 based on diagnosis (VT47.03), suggests a selection of therapies and treatments for this condition.

23 mins

Sally Birch discusses the case of five-month-old male entire domestic shorthair cat called Simon.

9 mins

Tara Zilic reports on the annual Equine SkiPD course, where attendees can share information about running their practices in between hitting the ski slopes.

8 mins

Chanticleer casts a weather eye over some more topics – global as well as veterinary.

13 mins

January 2017

Laura Quiney and Sue Dyson explore methods of managing and training horses for competition and how to avoid stress, tension and obesity.

44 mins

Elisabetta Mancinelli on the latest research and studies about Europe's third most popular mammalian pet.

21 mins

Jerry Dunne describes a case in which a stray dog presented with a fractured spine after being involved in a road traffic collision.

9 mins

Alex Gough presents the latest research and studies in veterinary medicine.

14 mins