Chris Parker, a partner at Scarsdale Vets, retired in May after almost four decades as a farm vet. Here, he shares some of his career highlights and reflects on how the profession has changed.
Respiratory diseases seen in spring 2019 is the focus of Axiom Veterinary Laboratories’ latest update – including cases of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, respiratory syncytial virus and pasteurellosis.
Rachel Agass and David Rendle discuss the diagnosis and management of some of the most common diseases of the equine respiratory tract: recurrent laryngeal neuropathy, palatal dysfunction and equine asthma.
Ian Wright takes a look at the importance of accurate parasite control, as well as latest data findings and innovations for tackling household infestations.
Fiona McFarland and David McKeown discuss the launch and objectives of two voluntary groups that provide well-being support for veterinary professionals.
In the final part of his article series (VT49.20; VT49.22), retired vet Julian Earl describes how his family and his sport have helped him deal with having to cut short his veterinary career.