May 2020

Nat discusses fear being a companion in the second of her new series of diaries during COVID-19.

11 mins

April 2020

Samantha Taylor discusses some of the health issues frequently seen in these patients and how to help owners manage them.

34 mins

Dave Beeston, in his latest Practice Makes Perfect, reflects on some of the best and least enjoyable aspects of his internship journey.

29 mins

Aoife Ryan BVetMed, MRCVS and Matt Gurney BVSc, CertVA, PgCertVBM, DipECVAA, MRCVS discuss the medications commonly used by practitioners, as well as the induction of patients and future possibilities.

29 mins

David Harwood BVetMed, FRCVS summarises proceedings from the Goat Veterinary Society autumn meeting held in Thirsk, North Yorkshire.

26 mins

Chanticleer discusses an important issue in the veterinary profession in his latest Vet Times column.

19 mins

RCVS Knowledge returns with another significant event audit in practice. Quality Improvement (QI) Vets is a fictional team, but based on true stories from UK practices, created by RCVS Knowledge’s Case Example Working Party to help veterinary teams apply quality improvement to real situations.

16 mins

Ross Allan and Stuart Carmichael discuss the potential for practices to set up dedicated clinics for this issue – making use of the whole clinical team, as well as assessment tools and online support.

40 mins

Roderick Beardshall MA, VetMB, MRCVS details the case of a male dog that presented with a five-day history of lethargy and stiffness.

16 mins

Jo Ireson, BSc, ISFMCertFN advises what to do if presented with a wild bat and encourages others to get involved with their rehabilitation.

45 mins

Having spent time self-isolating to protect his loved ones, and after himself developing COVID-19 symptoms, Ben Simpson-Vernon MA, VetMB, MRCVS, has chosen to share some of his thoughts on the unique circumstances facing the profession, pet owners and colleagues dealing with the new normal.

22 mins

In a new column for Vet Times, Nat Scroggie describes well-being in the context of a toolkit – a visit bag of skills, strategies and habits you can pull out in a time of need – and asks: “Has there ever been a greater need for such a bag than during a global pandemic?”

11 mins

Karin Kruger provides tips to help general practitioners assess colic patients and reviews literature on common treatments.

50 mins

Alex Gough presents more veterinary studies in companion animal medicine in his latest Research Review.

21 mins

Simona Radaelli, in the first of a two-part article, analyses owner information to be collected and first steps when examining animals.

30 mins

March 2020

Ian Wright discusses the requirements for control strategies to be successful, as well as management of client expectation.

32 mins

Lotfi El Bahri DVM, MSc, PhD recounts the instance of a three-year-old male poodle that had ingested bait package containing this rodenticide.

18 mins

Sue Mayer discusses evidence supporting this control method – as well as practicalities, and opportunities and obstacles – using experiences from a programme in Derbyshire. Includes video content.

28 mins

In his latest Practice Makes Perfect column, Dave reflects on his internship, why it was a good idea for him, and how it could be a good one for you, too.

33 mins

Ariane Neuber describes approaches to examining patients, underlying causative factors, therapy options and innovations.

46 mins