Renata Stavinohova and James Oliver offer a detailed description of basic and more advanced surgical procedures to address eyelid tumours in dogs and cats.
Steve Bailey – a partner at Space Coaching Services – explains how investment in pausing and reflecting before proceeding in certain situations can help practice leaders to “sharpen their axe”, and save time and stress in the future…
Helen Lambert MSc, BSc(Hons), MSB suggests techniques to make human-cow interaction safer and minimise any animal distress, citing research and taking into consideration their natural tendencies.
Genevieve Smith MA (Cantab), VetMB, FHEA, MRCVS – who teaches final-year RVC students on their shelter medicine rotation, based at an RSPCA branch in north London – discusses how teaching EMS students surgery can be made more rewarding for both the vet in practice and the vet student.
Stuart Carmichael BVMS, MVM, DSAO, FRCVS begins this two-part article by discussing ways of making better use of clinical findings to improve vigilance of this issue.
Francesco Cian delves into another Diagnostic Dilemmas, this time for the case of a two-year-old neutered, female Yorkshire terrier with a history of weaness and lethargy.
Sarah Caney BVSc, PhD, DSAM(Feline), MRCVS discusses the importance of regular tests in feline patients and offers tips on how to carry this out while social distancing.