September 2024

Mark Turner returns to the lives of Margaret, Ali, Matt and the team in part 3 of his story about the day-to-day struggles of UK practice life.

21 mins

Al Manning explains why analysing the data is key to improving performance.

30 mins

Room for improvement exists when it comes to practising cleanliness around collecting and feeding colostrum, so vets must engage with clients about keeping equipment for feeding calves clean and establishing an effective standard operating procedure on farm.

24 mins

Preventive hoof trimming is fairly standard in the UK’s dairy herds today, but research into how and when it should be done – while expanding all the time – is not as plentiful as it could be. Previewing her session at congress, when results of a new study she has been involved in will be presented, the author runs the rule over previous and current thinking.

22 mins

Sarah Hewitt and Rob Howe cover the what, why and how for implementing this system.

31 mins

Neil Mottram discusses dogs’ reproductive physiology, some of the potential health detriments of surgery and fresh thinking on alternatives.

16 mins

Georgie Hollis explains the numerous  challenges dressings can cause and how to overcome them with moist  wound healing without bandaging.

26 mins

Andy Durham looks at the choices on offer to help treat acute and debilitating skin diseases in horses and ponies.

22 mins

Nathalie Dowgray covers common conditions and the key ways practices can work with and advise caregivers.

25 mins

David Charles discusses the considerations for farm vets facing emergency call outs for this condition.

29 mins

Mark Turner introduces the second chapter (part one, VT53.47) of his story that identifies issues in practice.

18 mins

In the latest of his Diagnostic Dilemmas series, Francesco Cian reviews the case of a nine-year-old German Shepherd dog presented with a one-week history of anorexia, lethargy, stranguria and haematuria.

9 mins

August 2024

Victoria Colgate and Catriona Mackenzie assess the long-term options for managing this condition.

33 mins

Neil A Forbes questions whether cleanliness could be better in practice, and how easy that might be to achieve.

30 mins

John Chitty covers how to keep these increasingly popular pets and the part vets can play in this.

26 mins

Fiona Lovatt warns about the health and financial implications involved in this issue which affects sheep.

10 mins

While it remains a common and costly disease, many farmers are still reluctant to seek help with respiratory disease issues in their herds.

34 mins

Anna Bruguera reviews the various clinical presentations of BVD and highlights the importance of applying control measures for improving animal health, welfare and herd productivity.

35 mins

Diseases such as maedi visna, ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma and ovine Johne’s disease vary in UK prevalence, but all have huge economic impact and health implications. David Charles focuses on the big “iceberg” diseases in sheep, including screening and testing.

39 mins

Cecilia Villaverde considers the part diet can play in preventing and managing these issues in cats and dogs.

30 mins