Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

August 2008

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI explains that although behaviour consultations prior to animal ownership do have merit, their … more

22 mins

From 2003 onwards, RCVS proposals for a new Veterinary Surgeons Act (VSA) were sold to … more

11 mins

WITH the major supermarkets entering the fray to reduce prices on a number of foods, … more

11 mins

MARK TURNER finds that having a full social life is almost a job in itself, … more

18 mins

CHRISTOPHER CHESNEY continues his series on skin problems in small animals with a case study … more

25 mins

VICKI BROWN describes the presentation, assessment and outcome of a gastric lymphoma in a mature … more

24 mins

AUGUST in Britain brings a mass migration to rival anything in the Masai Mara, lured … more

14 mins

DAVID DUGDALE anticipates this year’s scientific programme, with its array of international experts, will be … more

13 mins

NIGEL DOUGHERTY continues his Asian sabbatical by looking at the work of the hospital’s ambulatory … more

30 mins

IN an attempt to eradicate strangles in Scotland, the University of Edinburgh is to offer … more

3 mins

NIALL T TAYLOR has some less-than-complimentary opinions to say about the use of complementary therapy … more

29 mins

GRAHAM DUNCANSON discusses how the many types of clostridial disease impact on ruminant welfare and … more

23 mins

ROBERT COOK questions why many in the equine sector, vets included, have not acted on … more

30 mins

IT is really embarrassing to raise, yet again, the question of the body politic of … more

12 mins

GLEN COUSQUER ferments an overview of probiotics, their benefits, and indications and guidelines for their … more

34 mins

MARTIN ATKINSON ponders why there are quiet days and busy ones in veterinary practice, proffering … more

13 mins

MAGGIE SHILCOCK explains why motivation should come from the top if you are to promote … more

13 mins

HANY ELSHEIKHA discusses how egg yolk antibodies react against an infection that has deep economic … more

30 mins

SUE PATERSON explains why antibiotics may cause problems when used to treat skin problems in … more

14 mins

FRANK BUSCH examines two case studies that illustrate the ethico-moral challenges veterinary practitioners may face … more

39 mins