Samuel Mauchlen BVM&S, MRCVS and Chris Dixon BVSc, CertVOphthal, MRCVS in the first of a two-part article, discuss the indications for this assessment, as well as technique and eye anatomy.
Rosa Angela Ragni DVM, DSPCA, MRCVS recounts her visit for a rabies neutering and vaccination campaign aimed at protecting the island’s wildlife species.
Sue Paterson MA, VetMB, DVD, DipECVD, FRCVS, who chairs the RCVS education committee, talks about how the college’s new 1CPD platform has encouraged her to reflect on her practice and why she is an advocate for using the app’s dictation function…
Richard Sibbit, managing director of animal health at Proagrica, discusses the acceleration of digital services in the industry and ways to ensure everyone receives the necessary customer experience…
Fay Vass, chief executive of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society offers a brief summary on assessing hedgehogs that arrive in practice in accordance with society advice.
Simon Tappin MA, VetMB, CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA, FRCVS details prevention strategies, diagnosis and treatment for distemper, parvovirus and canine infectious hepatitis.
Hindsight may be a wonderful thing, but foresight is better. STEVE BAILEY of Space Coaching Services outlines the importance of planning for certain unfortunate eventualities – the so-called pre‑mortem.
James Russell BVetMed, MRCVS, BVA senior Vice-president, reflects on the highs and lows of being on call during the festive period as a #TeamVet member.
Mélanie Perrier discusses treatment options for this cause of lameness in horses, as well as the role of rehabilitation and adjunctive therapies in successful management.
John Remnant BVSc, CertAVP, DipECBHM, PhD, SFHEA, MRCVS discusses findings from his scholarship exploring how the profession meets future needs in livestock agriculture.