Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

June 2009

BEFORE the age of 25, women in Britain are now more likely to give birth … more

11 mins

Francesca Riccomini discusses why, in her view, a misguided belief in the social benefits of … more

26 mins

Claire Sedgwick explains how one charity is helping to improve the lives of street animals … more

11 mins

Robin Fearon finds that despite the sense of woe regarding the economy, the future looks … more

20 mins

Judith Roberts explains the importance of the gastrointestinal tract’s microflora, and how even the smallest … more

28 mins

A practitioner’s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… THE RCVS goes to great … more

14 mins

THIS book is the latest from this distinguished author and follows on from Clinical Medicine … more

7 mins

Roger Evans wonders if official statistics always tell the whole story, sympathises with “needled” bovines … more

13 mins

Robert Goggs provides an update on the latest research into this common disease, and expresses … more

33 mins

Jenny Towers examines causes of skin disorders presenting in guinea pigs, such as self-chewed fur, and how treatment methods can include aromatherapy.

20 mins

Robin Fearon reports on another discussion with Cats Protection’s Maggie Roberts, with feral feline problems … more

29 mins

ONE problem that concerns me about our professional future is the potential dilution of quality … more

18 mins

Colin Roberts reviews research results and suggests this important therapy area deserves more study PROBIOTIC … more

30 mins

Jeny Moffett examines the use and action of equine probiotics and explains why there is … more

31 mins

Oli Viner finds time spent pounding the soil provides little recompense for his toil, allowing … more

12 mins

The above could especially be the case if they have severe diarrhoea. Otherwise, the local … more

21 mins

Alex Gough reviews more veterinary research, including studies into the use of diets, drugs and … more

12 mins

Jack Reece recalls when the establishment of a veterinary camp helped mitigate suffering in goat … more

21 mins

Robin Fearon reports on a CPD event in Italy, where Florence’s medical history provided a … more

28 mins

THE concept of people determining their own futures, and those of the people and institutions … more

14 mins