Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

July 2009

LOST in the mists of time is a hymn I recall singing when I was … more

14 mins

Oli Viner ponders the wisdom of graduating more vets into a near-saturated profession and examines … more

14 mins

Graham Duncanson discusses eye conditions in farm animals while using his vast experience to advise … more

21 mins

Joel Dudley chats to Sandy Trees about his life and career, and plans for his … more

24 mins

Lesa Longley provides an overview of husbandry and diet, and explains the common issues that … more

27 mins

Hany Elsheikha stresses the importance of lungworm prevention in large animals, citing the global repercussions … more

34 mins

Alastair Hayton discusses how best to manage the lungworm issue, and details the causes behind … more

27 mins

Laura Hughes discusses the ongoing studies at the University of Liverpool into antimicrobial-prescribing practices of … more

20 mins

MEN and women are different. Yes, I know you’ve noticed and, to be fair, much … more

12 mins

Roger Evans rides a roller coaster of cynicism and belief, laments the necessary dispatch of … more

14 mins

Mhairi Cameron finds a midnight excursion with a deer and some police officers provides plenty … more

20 mins

Robin Fearon talks to a man whose research is pushing through spectacular stem cell treatments … more

24 mins

Sarah Beardall previews the wide-ranging topics up for discussion, which include everything from clinical discussions … more

22 mins

Nashwa A Elsaied, Ahmed M N Helaly, Hany M Elsheikha explain how this simple model … more

23 mins

Jennifer Wakeling stresses the importance of “senior” preventive health programmes, outlining an approach to comprehensive … more

26 mins

WE are all in the breeding business, or closely associated with it. Recent history, however, … more

15 mins

Ian Lowery investigates why poor compliance occurs and shows how routine annual vaccinations improve the … more

20 mins

It is 1920, and a war veteran and railway guard from south London (Albert Hill, … more

17 mins

Andrew Bell concludes his two-part article by examining two methods of administering constant-rate infusions, the … more

33 mins

Maggie Shilcock warns practices to shed anxieties about the cost of their procedures and ensure … more

21 mins