Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

January 2010

Claire Millington details the requirements for CPD, and explains how working with colleagues and in-practice … more

26 mins

Anna Jennings details effective methodologies for the treatment of liquefactive stromal necrosis, and explains how it can be rewarding to treat.

24 mins

Etienne O’Brien, Roger K W Smith provide research updates in equine tendon injury treatment using … more

37 mins

Bradley Viner A practitioner’ s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… PERIPATETIC wanderings … more

12 mins

Maggie Shilcock offers suggestions for making the best use of waiting room displays to educate … more

11 mins

THIS column’s 10th year is, like its first, an election year. This time, the date … more

16 mins

December 2009

Gerald coles explains how the very real prospect of anthelmintic resistance could prove to have … more

21 mins

Hany M Elsheikha explains how greater cooperation between the veterinary and scientific communities could yield … more

48 mins

RESEARCHERS from the Animal Health Trust and University of Liverpool have identified the genetic mutation … more

4 mins

Karen coumbe presents the story of one beneficiary of the Veterinary Benevolent Fund, then appeals … more

14 mins

LORNA JORDAN-OWERS describes the benefits of CPD sessions amid the snow-capped mountains of Switzerland, providing … more

14 mins

ROBIN FEARON discovers the commercial opportunities available in using the DNA of large cattle populations … more

22 mins

SOME words of wisdom are memorable, but, sadly for those who utter them, their provenance … more

13 mins

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI explains the importance of selling the right product to suit individual client’s needs … more

22 mins

SIMON SWIFT describes how, in many cases of dilated cardiomyopathy, genetic factors are increasingly thought … more

28 mins

ROGER EVANS communicates his belief that veterinarians and farmers need to work together to solve … more

14 mins

ALEX GOUGH reveals research ranging from parasites to road traffic accidents – and even Hallowe’en THORACIC radiography … more

11 mins

Christmas has no religious significance to me, but every year around mid-December I decide I … more

12 mins

Chris Trickey describes events at the successful BVHA AGM meeting in Stratford, and outlines the … more

7 mins

Martin Baker describes common causes and symptoms of musculoskeletal injury caused by ultrasound scanning, and … more

27 mins