Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

August 2010

SUE PATERSON reviews International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis research that illustrates how therapy … more

19 mins

A TEAM of psychologists has launched a study aimed at reducing dog bites incidences in … more

4 mins

TWO veterinary biosciences students from the University of Surrey have gone to a leading American … more

4 mins

HORSE owners and vets are urged to nominate outstanding practitioners for the 2010 Equine Vet … more

3 mins

JUDITH ROBERTS examines a wide range of common infectious and traumatic conditions of feet in … more

27 mins

OLGA GÓJSKA-ZYGNER and WOJCIECH ZYGNER describe the clinical detective work involved in identifying the aetiology … more

32 mins

THIS book provides an excellent in-depth review of exercise physiology in the horse. It is … more

4 mins

DONNA LEWIS describes how one driven teenager fought, with a single-minded approach over many years, … more

13 mins

OUR world is beset with danger and we as a profession, in particular, now have … more

13 mins

Ross Tiffin believes “exposés” such as Panorama must be used as catalysts for united action … more

16 mins

Jill Maddison reflects on a meeting that extolled the virtues of the CertAVP, and aimed … more

14 mins

Jane Coatesworth examines diagnostic and treatment approaches to a skin condition that has been associated … more

9 mins

Gerard Mclauchlan and Ian Ramsey discuss diagnosis and management, with a particular focus on parallel … more

27 mins

Stefano Cortellini and Luisa de Risio discuss emergency management techniques for a condition that can … more

27 mins

Trish Duff and David Barrett summarise the diverse, “pick-and-mix” content of the two-day Vet Trust … more

9 mins

A practitioner’s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… IT’S 11.45am and 26°C outside – one … more

15 mins

Livia Benato looks at how to spot the condition in reptiles, its cause and a … more

16 mins

A PROMINENT expert in wild and exotic animal medicine has moved from Bristol Zoo Gardens … more

5 mins

July 2010

FRANCESCA RICCOMINI reports on a satellite meeting that contrasted approaches to human and animal behaviour, … more

24 mins

PETER EDMONDSON reports on more of the topics covered at the fifth International Dairy Federation … more

27 mins