Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

August 2010

Phil Sketchley responds to a petition seeking amendments to the cascade (see page one) by … more

12 mins

SCIENTISTS in Scotland are collaborating to tackle parasitic gastroenteritis (PGE) in sheep, which is caused … more

2 mins

John Robinson poses case-study questions that could win you a weekend away, free CPD seminars, … more

12 mins

Judith Roberts discusses acute, subacute, subclinical and chronic forms of the condition, as well as … more

21 mins

A practitioner’s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… PLAYING poker can be a … more

14 mins

Jo Dudney reflects on an equine event that combined Italian skiing with top-quality presentations on … more

8 mins

Sarah Caney explains why – with figures suggesting that 20 to 30 per cent of elderly cats are wrongl perceived to be healthy – practices and owners need to team up to improve quality of life.

22 mins

Patricia Ibarrola and Ian Battersby conclude their three-part series by discussing classification of renal disorders … more

50 mins

FROM the title of this book, and knowing that the species range covers cattle, horses, … more

7 mins

Norman Johnston encourages vets to be more proactive in dentistry and believes a rethink is … more

23 mins

HANDS up those who remember the 1992 film A Few Good Men? It was, what … more

15 mins

SEVERAL staff members from Endell Veterinary Group completed the Three Peaks Challenge in just over … more

2 mins

A POSTGRADUATE at the RVC is set to join a select group, by becoming an … more

3 mins

Nicola J Menzies-Gow examines the pathology, clinical signs, prevention and management of African horse sickness … more

28 mins

Annie Cook experiences life in front of the camera (while avoiding vultures) for a TV … more

25 mins

Tim Adams recounts how an awkward farm visit turned flat I HAD been in equine … more

7 mins

Emma cooper hears tributes to a woman whose passion for veterinary life saw her become … more

14 mins

Oli Viner muses on the often bleak nature of veterinary practice, where some cases are … more

13 mins

A PIG’s emotions can be influenced by its surroundings, according to research from the University … more

4 mins

Judith Roberts reviews approaches to dealing with these infections, which can have wider implications for … more

27 mins