Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

January 2011

Ian Battersby and Patricia Ibarrola discuss the problems associated with resistance, and examine ways in … more

30 mins

The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence Andrew Linzey (ed) pp346; £19.95 Sussex Academic … more

9 mins

WELL, it seems fitting to begin a new column by talking about a little favourite … more

14 mins

IT is easy to condemn the Millbank fee riots: harder, or impossible, to condemn the … more

18 mins

Alex Gough looks at the latest research papers, which cover subjects as diverse at hyperadrenocorticism … more

13 mins

Alisa Milnes finds that over the festive period the demands on her time are tested, … more

18 mins

Waggy Tails And Wheelchairs Alexander Epp pp96; £12.99 Veloce ALEXANDER Epp, who lost his mobility … more

4 mins

December 2010

Francesca Riccomini urges owners to plan ahead for inevitable future separations and so avoid unnecessary … more

25 mins

Andrew Iveson examines some of the issues around providing effective pain treatment and better quality … more

12 mins

THE VETERINARY PROFESSION finds itself at a crossroads, inexorably torn between conflicting needs. On the … more

35 mins

David Harwood reports on a conference where the latest findings – on subjects as diverse as … more

19 mins

NO one can pretend that 2010 will go down as a year of strong economic … more

13 mins

Marie Kubiak discusses a preventable disease caused when captive birds, originally from warmer climes, are … more

22 mins

THIS article will reach you on St Thomas’ Day, December 21, or thereabouts – which is a … more

15 mins

Robin Fearon discusses the implications for human and animal health opened up by nanotechnology SIZE … more

30 mins

David J Coffey rails against the “arrogance” of veterinary practice and humanity’s wider moral malaise … more

13 mins

WE have been asked to point out that two diagrams published in issue VT 40.48 … more

1 mins

IT’S great to go away, but usually, so much nicer to come home. That’s almost … more

12 mins

Livia Benato examines why carefully selecting feeding products can make a difference to the general … more

12 mins

Dan Forster examines the diagnosis, medical management and treatment options for the condition, and underlines … more

16 mins