Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

March 2012

Paul Manning reveals his findings from respondents to an earlier questionnaire in the final part … more

16 mins

Judith Roberts discusses the different NSAIDs available for large animals on farm, and highlights their … more

13 mins

KNOWLEDGE of equine dental pathology and dental treatments has become increasingly reported in the veterinary … more

15 mins

Abigail Woods delves into the past, examining the first disease prevention scheme in Britain and … more

26 mins

February 2012

Mark Rowland provides an overview of the signs associated with this condition, looking at diagnosis … more

26 mins

Emma Cooper talks to Captain Laura Holmes about her experiences in teaching locals how to … more

12 mins

Julien Bazelle, Penny Watson discuss approaches to dealing with this stressrelated condition and review the … more

42 mins

Marc Abraham explains how tweets are to beat, and how your practice shouldn’t be allowed … more

17 mins

Marlene Sickinger describes left abomasal displacement therapy in cows, and how a standard procedure has … more

22 mins

SIR Terry Wogan used to ask in exaggerated tones, “Is it me?” and the nation … more

15 mins

Colin Thompson, Dave Kowalek reflect on their experiences at the Lancaster University-hosted SPVS Final Year … more

19 mins

THIS April we have the chance to attend a world congress on our very own … more

10 mins

Harriet Thomas takes a detailed look at the treatment of three of the canine and … more

38 mins

A practitioner’s musings about everything specific and nothing in general… I WRITE this laying on … more

14 mins

IT IS becoming increasingly recognised that hygiene within human and veterinary hospital facilities is vital … more

12 mins

Victoria Doyle looks at how ATE can be a complication of other diseases, highlighting clinical … more

26 mins

YOU will be reading this towards the end of February, but the lead time to … more

15 mins

Donal Nugent talks to the recipient of WEVA’s 2011 Merial Applied Equine Research Award, Anthony … more

21 mins

Andy Durham discusses the latest thinking on approaches to influenza, with reference to technology, choosing … more

16 mins

SPVS is targeting future practice owners at its 2012 conference. With a dedicated stream at … more

8 mins