Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

April 2012

A look at the latest studies and findings in veterinary medicine DIETARY changes are frequently … more

12 mins

A look at the latest studies and findings in veterinary medicine I VISUALISE Eric Morecambe, … more

17 mins

Alison Logan reflects on her time in practice, from the first day struggles with a … more

28 mins

Andy Durham looks at the diagnosis of this condition, as well as insulin resistance and … more

21 mins

Nigel Dougherty gives an account of his avian clinical cases encountered at Fiordland National Park – work … more

26 mins

Roger Evans reflects on the future of dairy herds in the UK, a year on … more

13 mins

Sally Anne Argyle takes a look at good practice with regards to prescribing, and considers … more

30 mins

Robin Fearon suggests veterinary practices are not making the most of the selling opportunities available … more

40 mins

Gerry Polton discusses signs and diagnosis of the condition in dogs and says prompt action … more

28 mins

Ben George identifies the information practitioners need to optimise beef growth rates and solve nutritional … more

24 mins

Martin Atkinson lets surgery cat Tom discuss how attempts to save his teeth were in … more

15 mins

Victoria Doyle concludes her series on these conditions by discussing treatment options for hypothyroidism, hyperlipidaemia … more

42 mins

I GOT some super news recently. My son Oli and his wife, The Lovely Lara, … more

11 mins

Victoria Roberts summarises the 50th anniversary meeting, highlighting various lectures and sessions ABOUT 30 hardy … more

42 mins

Dan Forster looks at rabies control methods used from past to present, discussing their effectiveness, … more

21 mins

Ross Tiffin reveals a Europe-wide scheme to encourage owners and improve the health of their … more

14 mins

Andy Durham discusses the problems associated with such conditions, and outlines the diagnosis and treatment … more

14 mins

THE unique format and the refreshingly open discussion when things go wrong while dealing with … more

4 mins

Dan Forster discusses, in the first of a two-part article, some of the considerations to … more

25 mins

LAMBING time actually begins a long time before the first lambs are seen at the … more

12 mins