Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

June 2012

Michael Dawson provides an overview of the situation regarding transmissible spongiform encephalopathies LAST year marked … more

12 mins

Rachel Sant discusses this common cat complaint, and looks at the importance of getting a … more

29 mins

WE probably all know the principle of how to hold successful meetings – short, sharp and to … more

14 mins

THERE’S an old saying in academic circles and cherished by many a graduate. It is … more

19 mins

Jack Reece reports on the work being done at charity Help in Suffering in India … more

16 mins

Samantha Woods discusses, in the first of a two-part feature, the pathophysiology, diagnosis and approaches … more

14 mins

Roger Evans finds himself fascinated by the human/canine relationship in its varied forms and realises … more

17 mins

Holger Volk, Colin Driver provide an update on the clinical management and treatment aspects of … more

29 mins

Chris Shepherd discusses how climate change and more international movement is increasing the risks of … more

14 mins

Catherine Bovens reviews issues around diagnosing and treating the three classifications of pneumothorax in cats and dogs and looks at likely outcomes.

33 mins

Clara Rigotti looks at possible causes of this under-recognised anaesthetic complication, such as residual drug effects, and looks at ways to counter the issue.

22 mins

Robin Fearon editor visits a charity that is training dogs to use their incredible sense … more

42 mins

Alana Rosenblatt discusses the considerations necessary when aiming to deliver high-quality radiographs of this area, … more

22 mins

Elisabetta Mancinelli, Kevin Eatwell take a look at some of the key considerations with regard … more

23 mins

AS I wrote, the true extent of Schmallenberg virus was becoming evident, with the number … more

23 mins

Mike Taylor examines this global problem and says worming strategies have to be revised and … more

35 mins

Anna De Battisti looks at the benefits and risks of this procedure and focuses on … more

28 mins

Christopher Little discusses some of the subjects that came up for discussion at the second … more

19 mins

May 2012

James Barnett reviews the 2012 event, providing an overview of the lectures and workshops, with … more

33 mins

Rachel Sant assesses some of the issues around high blood pressure, including the potential problems … more

24 mins