Vet Times articles

The latest veterinary content produced by Vet Times, covering topics such as Companion animal, Equine, Exotics, Farm animal, Welfare and General.

July 2014

MARISA GOUDIE BVSc, CertVOphthal, MRCVS reports on her experiences of volunteering in a shelter at … more

19 mins

June 2014


52 mins

VICKY ROWLANDS BVM&S, CertEP, MRCVS Practice Notes I HAVE recently returned from maternity leave (according … more

20 mins

ALEX GOUGH MA, VetMB, CertSAM, CertVC, PGCert (neuroimaging), MRCVS Research Review A look at the … more

14 mins

HARRIET STEWART BVSc, BSc, MRCVS recalls her month as a volunteer vet in the South … more

27 mins

CARL BRADBROOK BVSc, CertVA, DipECVAA, MRCVS discusses loco-regional anaesthesia techniques, when they are appropriate, any … more

35 mins

THE RVC has hosted an international conference on animal welfare and behaviour in the face … more

9 mins

PIPPA ELLIOTT BMS, MRCVS looks into the chequered past of pugs as the companions of … more

12 mins

MIKE TAYLOR BVMS, PhD, DipEVPC, DipECRSHM, CBiol MSB, MRCVS highlights the role of parasite control … more

34 mins

JAMES ELLIOTT BVM&S, CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA(Oncology), MRCVS Case notes WHAT is best, chemotherapy or radiotherapy? There’s … more

7 mins

ELISABETTA MANCINELLI DVM, CertZooMed, DipECZM(Small Mammal), MRCVS WENDY BAMENT RVN, MSc, BSc(Hons), CertVN(Exotics) PARROTS are … more

34 mins

RUSSELL LYON BVM&S, MRCVS shows how a community’s attitude towards neutering cats has been changed … more

26 mins

MARK LOWRIE MA, VetMB, MVM, DipECVN, MRCVS highlights the common causes of patients presenting with … more

29 mins

DANIÈLLE GUNN-MOORE BSc, BVM&S, PhD, FHEA, MACVSc, MRCVS discusses a multimodal approach to cystitis in … more

38 mins

LOTFI EL BAHRI DVM, MSc, PhD considers the potential problems with liquid detergent tablets and … more

22 mins

ROGER EVANS A Shropshire farmer wants Defra pressed for hard facts about TB breakdowns and … more

15 mins

PEDRO OLIVEIRA DVM, DipECVIM-CA(Cardiology), MRCVS ANTONIA MAVROPOULOU DVM, MSc, PhD, Resident ECVIM-CA(Cardiology), MRCVS explain recent … more

37 mins

MARK LOWRIE MA, VetMB, MVM, DipECVN, MRCVS in the second of a three-part article, provides … more

26 mins

DAVID DONALDSON BVSc(Hons), DipECVO, MRCVS considers the use of low-dose rate and high-dose rate brachytherapy, … more

23 mins

SARA PEDERSEN BSc(Hons), BVetMed, CertCHP, MRCVS examines ectoparasite infection in sheep, covering diagnosis, prevention and … more

18 mins