April 2016

Marge Chandler considers the benefits of using “good bacteria” and analyses research exploring their potential use.

28 mins

Charlotte Maile talks equine muscle physiology – an area of science that has been the focus of a PhD and a postdoctorate.

18 mins

Roger Evans discusses a genetic index by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Dairy in breeding cattle free of bTB.

12 mins

Ali Budgell reports on the biannual Northern Conference of the Veterinary Christian Fellowship, which included a guest speaker, a long hike and lots of games.

6 mins

Professor Susan Dawson admits to Rebecca Hubbard that she is "excited and nervous in equal measure" at taking on the role of BSAVA president for 2016/17.

1 mins

Many dogs will not pass faeces for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery.

1 mins

Daniela Murgia offers advice for treating and managing skin tissue injuries, including antimicrobial treatment, preventing contamination, suitable dressings and healing options.

27 mins

Ian Nanjiani focuses on available treatment options, with guidance on how to get the best out of them by targeting the correct life cycle stages at the right time of year.

20 mins

Chris Sturdy and Suzanne Rogers discuss the objective of their new association to improve the conditions fish are kept in for research, production, conservation and entertainment.

13 mins

Nigel Dougherty reviews a case of a dog, from diagnosis to postsurgery, treated following a pig tusk-induced perforation, including managing septic peritonitis.

33 mins

Sara Pedersen discusses spring-calving herds, and why it is vital not only the cows, but also the calves, get off to the right start.

22 mins

Jenny Jaffe, Liam Fitzpatrick, Ian Carter and Tony Sainsbury discuss the work of the Disease Risk Analysis and Health Surveillance for Interventions programme in safeguarding the health of endangered species.

14 mins

Alessandro Conte reports on an eight-year-old male boxer that presented with a history of progressive forelimb lameness of eight weeks’ duration, in the latest in the Case Notes series.

8 mins

Catherine Bell makes the case for taking a positive approach to horse training by removing the dominance paradigm and comparing it with the methods used for dogs.

27 mins

Juan Hernandez-Garcia and Alasdair MacLeod review common problems contributing to neonatal mortality, and provide some action points.

25 mins

Chanticleer looks at changing times in the veterinary profession – in the UK, Europe and beyond.

14 mins

Ross Allan highlights signs, investigation strategies and therapy methods associated with a complication occasionally seen with neutering in canine and feline patients.

23 mins

Paul Wood says it's vital veterinarians put themselves in the heart of the vaccination conversation – and good communication is key.

23 mins

Peter Edmondson discusses why, with selective cow therapy becoming the norm, veterinary clinicians will need to develop strategies to communicate the benefits to farmers.

20 mins

March 2016

Voting has opened for the 2016 RCVS council elections – and hopes are high of another bumper turnout.

3 mins