March 2021

Roger Evans discusses an area causing him concern in his latest Vet Times column.

20 mins

To mark International Women’s Day, Charlotte Dawson reflects on how her leadership training for women is changing her approach to managing her team. She explores gender inequalities and the issues women face as they climb the career ladder.

9 mins

Mary Fraser BVMS, PhD, CertVD, MAcadMEd, CBiol, FRSB, FHEA, FRSPH, FRCVS, discusses how important the art of conversation between vet and client is when deciding what direction to take for an animal and, using results from an online questionnaire, enlightens readers in owner opinions of making decisions in a clinical setting.

22 mins

In his first article for Vet Times for 2021, Dave Beeston reflects on the importance of holiday time and remembering to pace yourself, before presenting another interesting case of the month.

27 mins

RCVS Knowledge, the charity advancing the quality of veterinary care, describes a quality improvement case example concerning an overdose of premedication in a canine patient.

20 mins

February 2021

Sue Paterson, leading veterinary dermatologist and member of RCVS council since 2014, steps into the Examination Room to discuss, among other topics, the launch of the 1CPD platform and the Veterinary Graduate Development Programme.

25 mins

Nicola Ackerman offers advice on how to master the art of talking to reluctant clients, and the importance of this “soft skill” in gaining compliance.

28 mins

January 2021

Anthony Andrews BVetMed, PhD, DipECBHM, DipECSRHM, FBIAC, MRCVS concludes his two-part article (part one VT50.41) exploring the influence the world’s greatest fictional veterinary surgeon has had on the profession.

28 mins

December 2020

Dave Beeston BVetMed(Hons), PGDip(VCP), MRCVS closes his ECC Endeavours account for 2020, this time looking at patience.

26 mins

David Harwood BVetMed, FRCVS summarises the Goat Veterinary Society autumn meeting, which was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

20 mins

Internal medicine specialists at Davies Veterinary Specialists perform emergency treatment on Bella the Labrador retriever after she swallowed open safety pin.

4 mins

Angie Lloyd-Jones DCR, DMU, concludes this two-part series by discussing the benefits of having a specialist in this field within the practice team, as well as the need for competency as part of undergraduate training and her dream of seeing more people in the role within veterinary workforces.

19 mins

In the first of a two-part article, sonographer Angie Lloyd-Jones DCR, DMU, explains how she got into this field and the adaptations she faced when making the move from human to veterinary medicine.

21 mins

Chanticleer casts a weather eye over more topics in his final 2020 column.

20 mins

Roger Evans closes his Vet Times Dairy Diary for 2020 with a glance at more topics affecting farms.

18 mins

October 2020

Colin Capner BVetMed, CertVA, CertLAS, BSc, MRCVS, discusses the impact of this highly stigmatised condition in the veterinary profession, and practical advice for both positive vets and pet owners.

27 mins

In his latest ECC Endeavours, Dave Beeston, BVetMed(Hons), PGDip(VCP), MRCVS reflects on the challenges and triumphs of the past few weeks.

30 mins

Anthony Andrews, BVetMed, PhD, DipECBHM, DipECSRHM, FBIAC, MRCVS, in the first of a two-part article, looks at the influence the world's greatest fictional vet has had on the profession.

35 mins

September 2020

Nat Scroggie looks back over the past six months as she signs off - at least for now - from My COVID Diaries.

9 mins

With the number of positive cases rising, Olivia Howard, BVM, BVS, MRCVS, uses her own experiences of this issue to offer advice to her veterinary peers.

11 mins