August 2015

 NAME: David Babington QUALIFICATIONS: BVetMed, MRCVS. POSITION: Managing director, Improve International. JOB DESCRIPTION: As managing … more

13 mins

Eighty years ago a woman spotted a painting of her future husband in the office … more

16 mins

On a balmy summer’s day, what could be more quintessentially English than a picnic on … more

15 mins

As a strong believer in the benefits of pain relief in cattle, I have spent … more

19 mins

If you’d asked me yesterday, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you about zetetic … more

13 mins

July 2015

 NAME: Alison Lambert AGE: 50 QUALIFICATIONS: BVSc, MMRS, MRCVS POSITION: Managing director. JOB DESCRIPTION: Delivering … more

18 mins

May 2015

Snowscene is organised by the SPVS and is the longest continually running overseas veterinary conference … more

21 mins

Outside of working hours you probably don’t think about dog faeces, other than to scoop … more

14 mins

Upper respiratory tract (URT) tumours can be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in … more

11 mins

Pain is a ubiquitous phenomenon and the international and multidisciplinary range of clinicians’ professions studying … more

21 mins

Katie Waine, Laura Polledo and Kirstin Baiker provide a guide to submitting whole animals for postmortem and biopsies for histopathology, offering principles that can be applied to any species.

30 mins

February 2015

Indianapolis is the heartland of the United States and, with compassion at the forefront of … more

23 mins

I write the day after the Charlie Hebdo atrocity in Paris: not surprisingly, it fills the … more

17 mins

Medical staff have no intention of causing harm or failing to do the right thing; … more

31 mins

Dick White and his wife Christine visited Cuba in 2014 for the fourth time, where … more

15 mins

In today’s rather constrained society, it’s probably a bit unseemly to get too carried away … more

13 mins

December 2014

This year we have launched our new advanced practitioner status, with the aim of signposting … more

21 mins

August 2010

Letters in the veterinary press have emphasised the harmful effect that the process of tendering … more

14 mins

February 2010

Like it or not, television has a marked influence on our society in terms of … more

13 mins

December 2009

Christmas has no religious significance to me, but every year around mid-December I decide I … more

12 mins