March 2016

Sarah Springthorpe is a qualified vet who left the profession to join communications agency Pegasus earlier this year. We asked Sarah to step into the Examination Room to explain what brought about this striking change.

11 mins

Bob Michell relays the example of early British computer LEO – and laments our country's track record as the land of squandered opportunity.

17 mins

Martin Atkinson reflects on 2016’s Congress in the Snow highlights from the Austrian Alps, which proved successful in location, lecture content and leisure activities.

12 mins

Andrew Gardiner looks at how this disease was diagnosed and treated during the emerging years of veterinary medicine.

22 mins

Marco Falchieri and Mark Burton discuss a plan when scrutinising poultry health on farms, taking into account housing, including cultures and sample tests.

26 mins

Roger Evans admits to being a cup half-full person, but with milk prices low as a result of over-production, considers the outlook is gloomy for dairy farming.

13 mins

Chanticleer's March column for Veterinary Times discusses the importance of communicating the right way to help practice life.

13 mins

The EDGE programmes from Vets Now are not only exciting and fun but they provide the ideal springboard for a career in EEC.

7 mins

Nutrition during the dry period is critical for dairy cattle, writes Alex Bach.

25 mins

February 2016

Chris Palgrave reports on the first meeting of the BBVA at the National Bee Unit and the responsibilities of bee inspectors

11 mins

Mike Taylor outlines the parasites that affect llamas and alpacas, signs of infestation and various treatment options.

27 mins

Henrietta Price shares notes based on her checklist of lab testing organisation protocols, complete with examples.

17 mins

It was while looking through the Worldwide Veterinary Service website I stumbled on Protecting Animal … more

12 mins

Feline asthma is a common allergic disease that often leads to airway remodelling. Traditionally, biopsy … more

10 mins

We are all trying to be good vets aren’t we? On a daily basis we … more

15 mins

It is obvious in every dimension we are outnumbered by the medical establishment, especially the … more

15 mins

Animal diseases can cause substantial economic impacts and play an important role in health decision-making. … more

19 mins

I was once part of a small group that met a high-ranking minister from Defra. … more

12 mins

NAME: Tim Harrison QUALIFICATIONS: BA(Hons) Politics, MSc Economics, GradIPD. POSITION: Managing director, White Cross Vets. … more

12 mins

The University of Liverpool School of Veterinary Science delivers a high standard of teaching in … more

15 mins