February 2020

Roger Blowey, BVSc, BSc, FRCVS, reviews the 2019 Lameness in Ruminants Conference, which was held in the Asakusa region of Tokyo, Japan.

33 mins

Ali Budgell, BVetMed, MRCVS reports on the Veterinary Christian Fellowship’s latest event, which saw members consider the evidence base that can be applied when presented with these cases.

10 mins

January 2020

Helen Browning BVM&S, MSc, MSc, PhD, MRCVS, reviews proceedings from the Vet Trust Conference 2019 companion animal lecture stream, which she attended at the University of Stirling.

25 mins

Dave Beeston, BVetMed(Hons), MRCVS, reflects on his first foray into teaching, presenting a session as a member of the RVC staff.

21 mins

Jenny Stavisky BVM&S, PhD, PGCHE, FHEA, MRCVS, Jade Statt BVMS(Hons), DVM GP, CertSAM, MRCVS, and Ruth Serlin BVetMed, CertVA, PGCAP, FHEA, MRCVS, bring ogether their knowledge around provision of accessible veterinary care for homeless people and their pets, outlining the challenges and rewards in this growing area of practice. They explore the practical, logistical and regulatory issues affecting this type of enterprise, plus describe how volunteering presents opportunities for veterinary professionals and students, and offers the public a fresh view of the professions.

53 mins

December 2019

Key CPD events often come highly recommended – particularly if they feature top-notch lectures in fabulous European cities. Andrew Peffers, BVetMed, CertAVP(Ed), BAEDT, MRCVS, provides an overview of the equine dental programme at this year's congress in the Netherlands.

36 mins

Third-year University of Liverpool veterinary student BECKY MILNER explains the concept and benefits of the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network, as well as her role in helping promote it to veterinary practices across the country.

13 mins

Dave Beeston reflects on the busiest shift of his internship so far where, despite the best laid plans, he was met with a wave of emergencies, euthanasia and emotion. However, a great sense of achievement resulted – thanks to endurance and determination.

25 mins

Henry Tremaine reports on the inaugural Sea-PD, a veterinary, watersports and wellness conference that took place in Alaçati, in June 2019, with plans to return in 2020.

26 mins

In his final column of the year, Chanticleer casts a weather eye over the potentially troubled waters ahead.

17 mins

Every June, delegates of the Summer Dairy Institute programme gather at Cornell University, New York, for a six-week residential programme covering all aspects of dairy veterinary medicine and management. Vet Rupert Sheppard attended this summer – and these were his findings.

18 mins

Ela Russell, a fourth-year veterinary student, summarises a visit by this professor of animal science, animal behaviour consultant and autism spokesman.

13 mins

RCVS Knowledge presents a 10-point pla for introducing the data collection protocol in practice.

11 mins

November 2019

Vet Jason Kimm – five years on from heading to Zhejiang University to educate students on using models and not animals when practising – discusses his progress.

33 mins

Evidence-based veterinary medicine is a term ubiquitous in publication headlines and congress titles, but do clients want it, and how can a local independent practice contribute to the knowledge the veterinary profession has now and in the future? Ross Allan drawing on his own experiences, elaborates…

25 mins

Having settled into his RVC Queen Mother Hospital for Animals internship, in this, the final of a two-part article, Dave Beeston recalls his first month as an intern.

27 mins

Ffion Lloyd delves into the archives to explain the inception of this area of medicine.

39 mins

RCVS Knowledge is back with another significant event audit in practice. QI Vets is a fictional team, but based on true stories from UK practices, created by RCVS Knowledge’s Case Example Working Party to help veterinary teams apply quality improvement to real situations.

22 mins

October 2019

Chanticleer discusses the decline in vaccination rates – both in veterinary and human medicine – and why action is needed to reverse the trend.

17 mins

John Dawson recalls the 34th scientific meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe, held in Nantes, France, in 2018.

19 mins