Respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases

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Respiratory diseases

Information and resources relating to calf pneumonia, bovine respiratory disease and more.

October 2023

Tim Potter outlines five key questions veterinarians can use to assess calf housing and reduce the risk of this condition.

35 mins

September 2023

With times hard for many, including farmers, every penny counts. But while persuading sheep keepers of the benefits of vaccination should may be challenging on occasions, various approaches can help in the discussions, including use of health planning, cost calculators and farmer meetings, says Davinia Hinde BVetMed, CertAVP(Sheep), MSc, MRCVS.

10 mins

Emma Fishbourne highlights recent outbreak issues which are of most concern, and her experience in researching this topic.

32 mins

August 2023

David Charles CertHE(Biol), BVSc, CertAVP, PGCertVPS, MRCVS provides a comprehensive guide to multiple options and how vets can give opinions on different techniques.

38 mins

Drawing on his own experiences, PHIL ELKINS BVM&S, CertAVP (Cattle), MRCVS provides a guide for new vets on tough call-out preparation.

26 mins

Despite best efforts, lameness persists in UK dairy herds. In this article, Owen Atkinson, BVSc, DCHP, PgCert, MRCVS, will explore how vets can motivate farmers to improve foot health and address potential issues in herds.

23 mins

In this article on bovine viral diarrhoea, Tonia Simms BVSc, DBR, MRCVS runs through some of the issues as she sees them around BVD, including screening and the need for good biosecurity measures.

25 mins

In this article on bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD), the main author offers some practical advice for vets undertaking funded visits, before senior figures discuss their own BVD policies and schemes in each of the devolved nations.

26 mins

Owen Atkinson BVSc, DCHP, MRCVS emphasises the crucial role vets play on this issue, and how they can be better involved in ensuring safe dairy products.

45 mins

July 2023

David Harwood BVetMed, FRCVS reviews the Goat Veterinary Society’s annual congress, during which a new president was announced.

25 mins

Emma Fishbourne BSc(Hons), BVSc, DBR, PhD, FHEA, MRCVS recalls her experiences with this pattern of breeding, and working with clients to move from all year round.

31 mins

June 2023

In this column in Vet Times Livestock, Miranda Timmerman explains the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone.

Hany Elsheikha and Charlie Farrer explain how a combination of methods could benefit herds in the UK and abroad.

68 mins

May 2023

This is part four of a series being presented by David Charles. Having discussed ectoparasites, nematodes and trematodes of note in sheep, part four looks at cestodes. The series will conclude with part five, which will discuss Coccidia.

This is part three of a series being presented by David Charles. Having discussed ectoparasites in part one and nematodes in part two, part three looks at trematodes of note in sheep. Future parts will look at cestodes and Coccidia.

George Lindley, Hannah Fitzsimmonds and Stephanie Prior look at understanding these minerals – as well as how to diagnose, treat and prevent deficiencies – in cattle health.

36 mins

David Charles BVSc, CertHE(Biol), MRCVS provides a comprehensive guide to carrying out this procedure in sheep, which requires more than just surgery.

April 2023

This article draws attention to Q fever, which is a cause of reproductive diseases in cattle and small ruminants. It is a zoonosis, yet sorely lacks the necessary national recognition to successfully eradicate it.

As lameness treatments continue to develop, vets, farmers and foot trimmers must work together to not only focus on curing the cow, but also improving its welfare post-treatment – a process that requires using all the tools available.

28 mins

Emma Fishbourne discusses how vets can help their clients to identify and tackle factors that affect fertility, and ensure that any oestrus synchronisation programme selected is suited to the cattle on that farm.

39 mins