October 2017

Roger Evans makes no apologies for returning to a regular discussion point in his latest Dairy Diary.

13 mins

Natasha Mitchell discusses various ocular diseases affecting dogs that are seen in veterinary practice, as well as treatment strategies.

53 mins

Wendela Wapenaar details the importance of knowledge and communication when working with farmers to improve animal health.

19 mins

Lee-Anne Oliver details the predominant organisms causing these diseases in cattle and sheep, as well as control measures.

21 mins

John Carr and Mark Howells discuss three ideas for techniques to help enhance both the quality and quantity of colostrum – a key factor in porcine survival and production.

21 mins

September 2017

Emily Simcock ponders when we ever formally reflect on our technical or communication skills with another veterinary colleague after graduation?

20 mins

Peter Bates looks at the workings of this method of ectoparasite control in sheep and how it has changed over the years.

67 mins

Andrew Forbes discusses strategies for eliminating mange and lice over the housing period, including some case studies.

41 mins

Sheep lameness is a prevalent issue on UK farms, and, with sheep farming margins already challenging, preventing and tackling it is important, say the authors.

50 mins

Removing BVD from the UK herd would go a long way in improving cow fertility, productivity and calf health and welfare, says Alex Perkins.

42 mins

Owen Atkinson reviews some aspects of mastitis control at drying off and through the dry period, including immediately after calving.

47 mins

Paul Wood discusses why strategies for treatment and control of coccidiosis should play an important part in herd and flock health planning.

27 mins

Monitoring and evaluating possible infestations and control measures is vital, says Mike Taylor.

33 mins

Sophie Mahendran looks at diarrhoea in calves and rehydrating those with the condition by administering fluids via the IV and oral routes.

28 mins

August 2017

Adam Martin looks at various strategies to deter calf respiratory disease, including housing assessments and ventilation needs.

28 mins

In his latest Dairy Diary, Roger Evans discusses why farmers are not entirely to blame for antimicrobial resistance and reflects on the brilliant service he received when his dog fell ill.

21 mins

Peter Edmondson looks at various factors to take into consideration when adopting this technology in the dairy environment.

32 mins

Hany Elsheikha considers the most economically important endoparasitic worm species in cattle and management options.

47 mins

Margit Groenevelt looks at antibiotic resistance in dairy sheep and goats, in the UK and worldwide, including causes and control measures.

32 mins

#CALFMATTERS is a vaccination campaign from Merial Animal Health which encourages farmers to vaccinate their calves against calf pneumonia.

2 mins