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Articles on the treatment and prevention of a disease that has a significant impact on UK dairy cows.

March 2024

With shifting pathogen types, mastitis has evolved, but still remains a common and economically challenging disease. The author reviews literature on prevention and treatment.

41 mins

With mean lameness prevalence in UK and worldwide herds around a third, and the livestock sector facing increasing cost pressures, tackling it remains an important focus. This article, the first in a two-parter, looks at research for a key condition.

23 mins

The authors explore how effetive techniques are key to success in scour prevention.

36 mins

While good-quality milk powders are important for calf development, the roles of quality colostrum, transition milk and dry feed should not be discounted, writes Selena Field.

28 mins

Abortions of lambs can take an emotional, as well as a financial, toll on farming clients. Here, the author focuses on common causes, diagnosis and the valuable advice farm vets can provide ahead of the main lambing period.

39 mins

The authors highlight the various issues surrounding chicken owners’ access to basic clinical care.

20 mins

February 2024

Bryan Charleston explains how a new scientifically independent facility is already leading this fight.

9 mins

January 2024

Nick Gibbon shares advice on how to help dairy farmers manage this as part of an effective programme.

13 mins

Dave Hodson advises on the benefits of these preparations and how to administer for the best results.

14 mins

December 2023

David Harwood reviews the Goat Veterinary Society’s latest conference, where an honorary life membership was also bestowed.

28 mins

SPOTLIGHT: Tom Warboys shares the ways in which veterinarians can advise clients on improving the health of youngstock on dairy farms.

24 mins

Owen Atkinson explains how vets can work collaboratively with farmers as herd health leaders to better understand their goals.

47 mins

November 2023

Author Matthew Smith details the case of Dolly the goat, whose lesions – thought initially to be a pyoderma – turned out to be something more serious…

7 mins

Tom Warboys shares some of the ways members of the profession can help clients reduce sheep and cattle disease spread.

16 mins

Keith Cutler shares the various issues discussed at this University of Aberystwyth evening meeting presented by Sir Brian May.

18 mins

October 2023

Emma Fishbourne considers the sustainability benefits of this practice and how veterinarians can convey its advantages to clients.

28 mins

Tim Potter outlines five key questions veterinarians can use to assess calf housing and reduce the risk of this condition.

35 mins

September 2023

With times hard for many, including farmers, every penny counts. But while persuading sheep keepers of the benefits of vaccination should may be challenging on occasions, various approaches can help in the discussions, including use of health planning, cost calculators and farmer meetings, says Davinia Hinde BVetMed, CertAVP(Sheep), MSc, MRCVS.

10 mins

Emma Fishbourne highlights recent outbreak issues which are of most concern, and her experience in researching this topic.

32 mins

August 2023

David Charles CertHE(Biol), BVSc, CertAVP, PGCertVPS, MRCVS provides a comprehensive guide to multiple options and how vets can give opinions on different techniques.

38 mins