November 2015

As testament to their adaptability and endearing nature, rabbits have successfully made the transition from … more

23 mins

Kevin Eatwell reviews the steps to be taken in stabilising shell injuries in tortoises and then moves on to the methods used in repair to ensure successful outcomes.

36 mins

October 2015

Tariq Abou-Zahr and Neil Forbes discuss the avian practitioner’s approach to sick or injured birds – including safety, thorough history taking and treatment.

38 mins

From her Exotic Encounters series – Elisabetta Mancinelli describes clinical signs, pain scoring systems and analgesia options.

30 mins

Fiona Froehlich and Neil Forbes explain the causes of severe skin-related conditions in parrots, the treatments and why regular assessment is vital.

14 mins

September 2015

Madonna Livingstone considers the treatment options – and the lengthy recovery time in some cases – for tortoises that have suffered serious injuries to their shells.

24 mins

Elisabetta Mancinelli provides a brief overview of the dietary requirements of some species commonly kept as pets, and the need to educate owners and keepers about their needs.

26 mins

Lesa Thompson outlines some of the primary needs regarding exotic rodents commonly kept as pets, along with prevalent conditions they may present with in vet practices.

22 mins

August 2015

Feather plucking, feather picking or feather destructive behaviour (FDB) is one of the most common, … more

19 mins

How long has it been in your career as a vet since you have been … more

25 mins

In the second and final part of her article on domestic leporid encephalitozoonosis, Elisabetta Mancinelli looks at the disease’s pathogenesis as well as various forms of therapy.

25 mins

Bruce Maclean offers an insight into the fascinating world of seahorses, detailing their biology and offering advice on treatment of disease in the various species.

27 mins

In the first of a two-part article on encephalitozoonosis in domestic leporids, Elisabetta Mancinelli discusses the causal parasite’s life cycle and analysis tools to help detect its presence.

31 mins

July 2015

The past decade has seen an exponential increase in the number of rodents kept as … more

27 mins

A free symposium on the health, welfare and pathology of reptiles and amphibians was organised under … more

12 mins

Neil Forbes considers possible causes of tracheal disease in avians, such as parasites, and presenting signs, plus he details potential surgical options.

21 mins

May 2015

A one-year-old, neutered male chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera), weighing 555g, was presented with a six to … more

16 mins

April 2015

Lynne Kerrigan highlights the importance of providing rabbits and rodents commonly kept as pets with the correct, nutritionally balanced diet.

23 mins

February 2015

From the Vet Times archives – Elisabetta Mancinelli discusses research that led to the creation of a scoring system for the clinical assessment of hock lesions.

32 mins

November 2014

Joanna Hedley discusses the challenges of examining these patients, with a focus on the most common types of non-venomous snakes kept in captivity.

28 mins