


Clinical advice, common presentations, resources and much more about the UK’s third most popular pet.

June 2022

After part one explored why “Room for rabbits” was chosen as the theme for Rabbit Awareness Week 2022 (27 June to 1 July), this webinar looks at the roles of companionship, handling and diet in ensuring rabbits are kept in suitable environments.

1 mins

Part one of a two-part series for Rabbit Awareness Week 2022, this webinar looks at why “Room for rabbits” was chosen as the theme for this year’s campaign, and how veterinary teams can get involved and raise awareness of rabbits’ environmental needs with clients.

1 mins

April 2022

John Chitty explains how owners can provide for the needs of their pet rabbits and guinea pigs as well as possible.

12 mins

Marianne Segev explores ways of reducing stress in rabbits, including how to help owners prepare their pets for travelling and visiting the practice.

41 mins

From the Vet Times archives – Elisabetta Mancinelli explores research that has come off the back of increasing awareness of this species.

21 mins

From the Vet Times archives – Elisabetta Mancinelli explores research that has come off the back of increasing awareness of this species.

15 mins

December 2021

Brigitte Lord discusses primary health care, including advice and support for clients, and factors to give clinicians more confidence in their approach to this prey species.

49 mins

November 2021

Elisabetta Mancinelli describes methods and locations to obtain blood, and volumes considered safe to withdraw in these patients.

26 mins

Fay Vass, chief executive of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, offers a brief summary on assessing hedgehogs that arrive in practice in accordance with society advice.

15 mins

Francesco Cian continues his Cytology Corner series by discussing the case of a tortoise that presented with lethargy and anorexia.

3 mins

September 2021

Mónica Guerrero Méndez discusses how to manage this systemic disease in psittacines, birds of prey and waterfowl, using a parrot case example.

31 mins

August 2021

John Chitty reviews the care of this species and how veterinary surgeons can help owners improve their pets’ welfare.

36 mins

Elisabetta Mancinelli, in the final of her series, considers common diseases affecting the reproductive and respiratory tract.

40 mins

Francesco Cian discusses the case of a one-year-old female bearded dragon as part of his regular Diagnostic Dilemmas column in Vet Times.

10 mins

July 2021

Elisabetta Mancinelli begins this series by discussing urinary tract and gastrointestinal disorders that are frequently seen in these patients.

46 mins

May 2021

Sonya Miles recounts the case of this reptile that presented with anorexia and was reported to have passed gritty urates.

9 mins

Marianne Segev and Nadia Wiseman discuss summer considerations with regards to rabbit care, and how they present an opportunity for vets and VNs to engage with owners between their annual vaccination checks.

51 mins

March 2021

Ahead of the inaugural Guinea Pig Awareness Week (22 to 28 March), vet Suzanne Moyes of Burgess Pet Care – organiser of the event – answers questions covering common health problems, nutritional needs and owner engagement…

26 mins

February 2021

Despite huge strides in knowledge in the past two decades, many aspects of rabbit medicine and surgery are yet to be fully understood. With this in mind, Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund veterinary advisor Richard Saunders outlines some of the “leaps and bounds” he’d like to see in the near future for the UK’s third most popular pet.

24 mins

Exotics VN Matthew Rendle – chairman of RCVS VN council – discussed the unique challenges rabbits present in nursing clinics when he took part in a Q&A session during VN Times Happy Hour 2.0.

2 mins