August 2024

John Chitty covers how to keep these increasingly popular pets and the part vets can play in this.

26 mins

Mónica Guerrero Méndez details the surgical removal via exploratory coeliotomy of this mummified obstructed object.

39 mins

April 2024

Nigel Dougherty shares his knowledge on this subject, aiming to ease the concerns of such a situation.

55 mins

Nigel Dougherty shares a sublime experience among these curious birds on New Zealand’s rugged south-western coastline.

14 mins

March 2024

The authors highlight the various issues surrounding chicken owners’ access to basic clinical care.

20 mins

Nigel Dougherty emphasises the importance of this for more informed decision making, refining protocols and enhancing anaesthetic safety.

40 mins

February 2024

Carole Parsons recalls a successful case that was treated using this therapy.

16 mins

Nigel Dougherty evaluates the wider aspects of provision for this practice.

44 mins

January 2024

Nigel Dougherty covers the difficulties of this practice and what to look out for.

46 mins

November 2023

Elisabetta Mancinelli reviews available evidence for use of the specific synthetic, non-peptide, selective NK-1 receptor antagonist.

34 mins

September 2023

Sergio Silvetti details the case of an eight-year-old female mustelid that was diagnosed with extrahepatic biliary obstruction.

45 mins

August 2023

Nigel Dougherty BBA(Zoology), MSc, BVSc, MVSc(Wildlife Health), MANZCVS(Zoo Animal Medicine) outlines the sustainability pressures surrounding a multitude of species inhabiting Asia’s largest island.

49 mins

July 2023

Sergio Silvetti DVM, CertAVP(ZM), MRCVS and Lourdes Lavilla-Atienza MRCVS discuss retrograde rhinoscopy on a five-month-old miniature lop rabbit.

31 mins

David Harwood BVetMed, FRCVS reviews the Goat Veterinary Society’s annual congress, during which a new president was announced.

25 mins

December 2022

Zoo, wildlife and exotic animal medicine specialist Copper Aitken-Palmer discusses the use of CT for diagnosing abdominal issues in rabbits.

November 2022

Guen Bradbury and Richard Saunders share findings from a questionnaire conducted by the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund on this topic.

5 mins

Abigail Edis looks at the development, diagnosis and treatment of this issue in rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas, as well as the need for owner education on appropriate foods and spotting the clinical signs…

35 mins

Guen Bradbury emphasises the importance of working with owners to understand and resolve issues in these popular pets.

31 mins

Richard Jones recounts a procedure borrowed from human medicine that successfully restored the sight of a juvenile bird.

8 mins

August 2022

John Chitty considers the results of a study spanning almost eight years and what it can tell about diet trends in leporids.

20 mins