
Fat horse. Image © vprotastchik / Adobe Stock


Content and resources focusing on one of the biggest health challenges facing the UK equine population.

October 2021

Tamzin Furtado uses insights from human health behaviour change to explain how veterinary professionals can facilitate communication around complex equine welfare topics such as obesity.

Camilla Scott BVetMed, CertAVP(ESM), DipACT, MRCVS, discusses transition management, the oestrous cycle, oestrous synchronisation and induction of ovulation.

46 mins

September 2021

Sarah Stoneham discusses how advice can be tailored to increase effective and sustained weight loss, and improve horse welfare.

42 mins

August 2021

Laura Peachey discusses treatment and management of parasite burdens, including latest resistance guidance, in horses.

28 mins

Nicola Menzies-Gow, MA, VetMB, PhD, DipECEIM, CertEM(IntMed), FHEA, MRCVS provides an overview of the two most common conditions affecting horses.

44 mins

July 2021

Fleur Whitlock and Richard Newton take a detailed look at latest thinking on tackling it, including a breakdown of latest cases in the UK and elsewhere.

Karin Kruger discusses equine gastric ulcer syndrome, which is currently differentiated into two distinct disease syndromes that require their own strategies from equine vets.

33 mins

Kate Loomes BVSc(Hons), MSc, CertAVP(EP), CertAVP(VA), CertAVP(EM), DipECVAA, MRCVS IN this article, the author fully explains partial IV anaesthesia – the maintaining of anaesthesia with a combination of IV and inhalational agents.

82 mins

Ann Derham looks at the most common types of lameness in horses, the importance of an orderly and logical examination and preventive strategies.

29 mins

June 2021

Jack Reece discusses the case of a chestnut Marwari presenting with a lesion that had grown and was ulcerated.

26 mins

Sarah Gough – in her final article in this series – looks at the types, causes, treatment and management of non-infectious disease.

56 mins

May 2021

Sarah Gough – in the first of a two-part article – looks at the types, causes, treatment and management of infectious diseases.

81 mins

Rob Pilsworth MA, VETMB, CERTVR, BSC(HONS), MRCVS and Derek Knottenbelt OBE, BVM&S, DVM&S, DIPECEIM, DACVIM, MRCVS discuss the establishment of this form of iodine in veterinary medicine, as well as its uses and efficacy in equids today.

35 mins

April 2021

Tim Mair, BVSc, PhD, DEIM, DESTS, DipECEIM, AssocECVDI, FRCVS, provides an overview of the most common types of tumours encountered in equine patients, as well as treatment options and their success rates

33 mins

Fleur Whitlock and Richard Newton discuss the effective use of this preventive measure against endemic and emerging infectious diseases.

37 mins

David Rendle discusses a selection of alternative treatments identified for managing this highly prevalent condition in horses.

32 mins

Karin Kruger BVSc, MSc, DipACVIM, MRCVS discusses challenges and changes in the field and hospital regarding horses.

30 mins

March 2021

With three-quarters of horse owners wanting to know more about preventive health care, according to one survey, opportunities for vets to provide more information do exist. In this piece, Zoë Gratwick provides practical advice that can be passed on to horse owners on parasite prevention.

28 mins

An increasingly worrying problem in equids, as in other animals, obesity and the accompanying laminitis it causes are probed by the author, who delves into management options.

34 mins

Equine asthma is a fairly recent description for a syndrome of chronic allergic airway inflammation. Sarah Gough provides a full review of a dynamic and changing area of equine medicine, including any innovations in treatment options.

59 mins