June 2016

Alex Thiemann reflects on an event that considered ways of improving donkey and mule welfare in isolated parts of Europe.

17 mins

Veronica Roberts looks at some of the possible causes of weight loss in horses, using gastrointestinal disease as the main focus, and suggests ways of testing for its origin.

26 mins

Suzanne Rogers and Lisa Lanfear discuss the issues surrounding tethering in a Welsh community and if, in this case, it is preferable to stables.

12 mins

May 2016

Emily Haggett summarises diagnosis and possible treatment and prevention options for equine stomach ulcers – a common problem for the performance horse industry.

26 mins

David Rendle looks at targeted worming in equines and considers the factors involved when employing faecal worm egg counts, such as handling and different methods.

26 mins

Laura Jones and Sue Dyson look at the impact of temperament, mood, emotional reaction and the relationship between a horse and its rider on an equine’s athletic ability and performance.

36 mins

Malcolm Weetman, Tim Watson, Rosemary Brown, Max Murray and Tony Davies study the effects a wheat germ extract supplement has on oestrus and associated bad behaviour in horses, and monitor it as the seasons change.

28 mins

Jonathan Anderson discusses the range of tendon injuries that can lead to a loss of potential in performance horses, as well as various therapies that help reduce recovery time.

59 mins

April 2016

UK veterinary practices are being urged to sign up for a free equine flu testing scheme in the knowledge they will also be furthering valuable research into the condition.

5 mins

David Rendle discusses hypoglycin toxicity as a more apt name for atypical myopathy, due to the condition being better defined, plus diagnosis and treatment strategies.

44 mins

Veronica Roberts explains indications, a step-by-step guide to the technique and potential complications associated with this medical process used in equine patients.

17 mins

Charlotte Maile talks equine muscle physiology – an area of science that has been the focus of a PhD and a postdoctorate.

18 mins

Catherine Bell makes the case for taking a positive approach to horse training by removing the dominance paradigm and comparing it with the methods used for dogs.

27 mins

March 2016

Andy Durham discusses therapy methods relating to two of the most common equine laminitis causes – equine metabolic syndrome and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction.

20 mins

Andy Durham reviews techniques for managing skin and respiratory conditions in equines caused by seasonal allergens.

24 mins

Rob Pilsworth reviews key points from a peer-reviewed journal paper by him and Sue Dyson that discussed why nerve block results can sometimes be misleading.

19 mins

Rebecca Robinson looks at ways in which pain can be assessed in companion animals using the variety of available scales (part 2 of 2).

22 mins

February 2016

Aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders in horses presenting with unusual lameness gaits.

60 mins

Romain Paillot and Adam Rash discuss equine influenza – one of the most contagious diseases of domestic and sports horses.

19 mins

As discussed in part one of this article (VT46.04), thorough oral examination with an illuminated … more

25 mins