
Fat horse. Image © vprotastchik / Adobe Stock


Content and resources focusing on one of the biggest health challenges facing the UK equine population.

August 2018

David Rendle, in the second of a two-part article, highlights a one health approach to tackling this condition in horses.

55 mins

Sam Offord discusses the routine vaccination of an 11-year-old Thoroughbred cross novice event horse, in which an arrhythmia is detected on heart auscultation.

10 mins

July 2018

Sarah Smith and Victoria Savage discuss how to diagnose these abnormalities, and suggests various treatment and prevention options.

33 mins

Jacqui Matthews takes a look at helminth infection in horses and advice to give to owners.

67 mins

David Rendle describes the treatment of a referred eight-month-old cob filly with scar tissue after a suspected acid attack.

12 mins

Equine vet Samantha Castle discusses whether the time is nearing for future vets to specialise at university.

23 mins

Kirstie Pickles discusses some of the latest developments and studies into management and treatment for this condition.

31 mins

Equine vets would do well to dust off their assertiveness skills and engage with owners, after a survey for Keeping Britain’s Horses Healthy found the majority craved much more advice.

12 mins

June 2018

Sarah Smith and Veronica Roberts aim to clarify where the latest research can help us and aid in highlighting emerging threats, and they also cover imaging innovations.

30 mins

Andy Durham looks at how and why inappropriate nutrition occurs, and some of the points veterinary surgeons should educate owners on.

39 mins

Alison Bennell and Jodie Hughes discuss the importance of familiarity with drugs and protocols, and good organisation and forward planning, in a stress-free anaesthesia in the field.

20 mins

Jacqueline Matthews reviews the types of endoparasites impacting on horse health, each one's proliferation, new diagnostic protocols and strategies to gain owner compliance.

72 mins

Victoria Colgate recaps the organisation's inaugural conference, held in April at The British Racing School in Newmarket.

23 mins

Lara Gosling, Jonathon Dixon and David Rendle discuss using thoracic radiography and ultrasonography to identify and monitor progression of this disease.

49 mins

Jamie Prutton discusses methods of controlling this condition, including when to stable, the use of rugs and advice to give owners.

34 mins

May 2018

Liz Mitchell looks at how common conditions in the horse should be diagnosed and treated in first opinion practice.

34 mins

Andy Durham discusses surveillance schemes and clinical choices for this condition, and lists some of the more recent outbreaks.

20 mins

April 2018

Alison Bennell discusses the advantages and disadvantages of this method in regards to safety and cost.

27 mins

Samantha Castle discusses how new rules from The Pony Club on EI booster vaccinations could save vets from some difficult encounters with owners.

20 mins

Safia Barakzai reports on the highlights at the most recent American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention.

24 mins