March 2024

In the latest of his Diagnostic Dilemmas series, Francesco Cian reviews the case of a 14-year-old Arabian gelding presented with a subcutaneous mass in the dorsal neck area.

8 mins

Zoë Gratwick considers the causes behind this pronounced change and how to effectively identify them.

35 mins

February 2024

Mélanie Perrier looks at the different choices on offer including biologics, meds, bisphosphonates and NSAIDs, including COX selectivity.

42 mins

While surgical excision of tumours in equids is an ideal treatment in many cases, in others intratumoural injection of a chemotherapeutic agent – and short and intense electrical pulses applied to the local tissues – may be a better option…

29 mins

Having grown in human health, behaviour change science is increasingly being adapted in the veterinary sector. Here, the author explains how it can aid in managing a tricky condition in horses.

29 mins

Equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) is a prevalent condition affecting all types of horses and … more

26 mins

The bacterial disease can affect any horse in any yard, and can bring serious financial implications as well as health and welfare concerns. Here, the author looks at the current situation and future outlook.

30 mins

Little used to be known about equine dentistry, but things have changed in the past two decades. The author looks at some of the common disorders seen in horses, and discusses how they can be diagnosed and managed.

33 mins

January 2024

Jacqui Matthews explains this issue in horses and offers advice for vets and clients on managing this parasite type.

27 mins

Rosemary Waring discovers how racehorse dietary changes affect their gut health.

22 mins

November 2023

Nicola Menzies-Gow shares some of the newest findings on these disorders in horses and ponies.

58 mins

Anna Harrison explains the lengths one charity goes to regarding improving these animals’ lives in such a turbulent environment.

26 mins

October 2023

Imogen Johns covers the triggers, treatment and management plans for this long-term disease affecting horses.

46 mins

September 2023

Victoria Colgate and Richard Newton discuss the concerns vets have over the potential gateways for global pathogen spread in this species.

36 mins

Jacqui Matthews BVMS, PhD, FRSB, FRSE, FRCVS, offers practical points for veterinarians to offer to clients, including anthelmintic resistance messages.

57 mins

August 2023

Zoë Gratwick BVSc, MSc, MMedVet, DipECEIM, MRCVS covers the common (and uncommon) causes for fever in this species, and how to test for and treat it.

42 mins

July 2023

Victoria Colgate MA, VetMB, MSc, MRCVS and Richard Newton BVSc, MSc, PhD, FRCVS explore the measures taken to stop the spread of this venereal disease.

33 mins

Nicola Menzies-Gow MA, VetMB, CertEM(IntMed), DipECEIM, FRCVS looks at the growing epidemic, with up to 70% of UK ponies either overweight or obese.

60 mins

Fleur Whitlock BVetMed, MSc, MRCVS, Victoria Colgate MA, VetMB, MSc, MRCVS, and Richard Newton BVSc, MSc, PhD, FRCVS, of the Equine Infectious Disease Surveillance team, reveal the current situation here with the endemic disease.

34 mins

Found throughout the horse’s body, but in varying lengths, tendons can be vulnerable to injury depending where they are. Flexor tendon injuries can have a significant impact on athletic horses, and is discussed in this article, but diagnosis and treatment options also hold true for other tendon issues.

32 mins