January 2015

Mike Davies reviews the tools available for practitioners to use, in conjunction with a dog's owner, to ensure the patient with osteoarthritis achieves optimum quality of life.

43 mins

Otitis externa is inflammation of the external ear canal and is very common in dogs … more

37 mins

December 2014

Part one of this article will cover pathogenesis and clinical signs of otitis externa and … more

15 mins

Part one of this article (VT44.48) discussed the pathophysiological process of acute kidney injury (AKI) … more

23 mins

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is also known as boxer cardiomyopathy. ARVC has been documented in … more

31 mins

November 2014

Cat scratch injuries leading to corneal lacerations are common in dogs and cats. These injuries … more

27 mins

One of the fastest growing areas in research is into the microbiome. With the development … more

17 mins

Improved preventive and interventional health care is leading to an increasing number of older dogs. … more

24 mins

August 2014

Edward Ives considers presenting signs, as well as the care and management required for a good prognosis in this uncommon, but potentially life-threatening, disease.

35 mins

September 2013

Luca Motta looks at the acute and chronic forms of this condition in dogs, discussing diagnosis, current and future therapy, as well as prognosis.

21 mins

August 2012

Alberta De Stefani-Llabrés and Anita Theobald discuss approaches to diagnosing senile dementia, and consider the various treatment protocols that can be applied to different cases.

48 mins

June 2012

Catherine Bovens reviews issues around diagnosing and treating the three classifications of pneumothorax in cats and dogs and looks at likely outcomes.

33 mins

May 2012

James Harris takes a look at this condition, and outlines methods to get the most out of the treatment process for everyone involved in such cases.

26 mins

April 2012

Darren Barnes provides advice on the principles of placement and management of drains within a small animal practice environment.

23 mins

October 2011

Anna Zlot and Natalie Webster discuss methods of contrast studies used in radiography – a useful tool in the diagnosis of urinary tract disease in companion animals.

25 mins

April 2011

James Grierson discusses approaches to such cases, taking into account any neurological considerations.

26 mins

December 2010

Simon Tappin discusses the diagnostic value of bronchoscopy in dogs and cats, and examines techniques.

21 mins

April 2010

Jane Coatesworth examines commonly presented skin conditions, highlighting the hot spots where infection can multiply, and an approach to effective treatment.

25 mins

March 2010

Lisa Gardbaum discusses the merits and application methods of different immunosuppressants, and outlines some of the side effects that can be experienced.

24 mins

January 2010

Anna Jennings details effective methodologies for the treatment of liquefactive stromal necrosis, and explains how it can be rewarding to treat.

24 mins