March 2024

Sarah Caney provides an update regarding this syndrome, including ways of ensuring clients are on board.

29 mins

February 2024

Chris Dixon covers diagnosis, treatment and management of this common ophthalmic condition in pets.

38 mins

Roberto La Ragione, Marvin Firth and Alastair MacMillan discuss latest guidance and how to minimise the risks of such checks on animals that have received chemotherapeutic and radioactive agents.

16 mins

Karen Walsh outlines the pharmacological options that can be used for different conditions in these pets.

40 mins

Katharine Nelson details the steps taken to treat a cross-breed dog from Romania.

5 mins

Our latest Research Review sees Alex Gough delving into more veterinary studies in companion animal medicine, including investigations into infrared imaging, nasogastric tube placement and AI accuracy.

18 mins

Hannah van Velzen shares the various techniques for this examination she has encountered in her career.

27 mins

Luciana Santos de Assis discusses latest findings relating to this common canine problem.

3 mins

Ross Allan reviews the key information set out at the latest London course.

6 mins

January 2024

Norbert Mencke discusses the affects the issue has on the public – and what improvements need to be made.

31 mins

In this edition of his Diagnostic Dilemmas series, Francesco Cian recalls the case of a nine-year-old golden retriever presented to the referring veterinarian for the sudden enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes.

12 mins

Mark Lowrie shares his ideas around how to manage patient health, medication and owners’ expectations.

46 mins

Ferran Sanchez considers useful diagnostic approaches for these conditions.

41 mins

Lizzie Kwint explores a case of this procedure being successfully performed on a canine patient.

33 mins

Ian Wright argues why clinical and subclinical cases of this parasite should be treated with care.

38 mins

Fabio Sarcinelli, Jinjing He and Victoria Phillips discuss how repair of this valve compares as a treatment option for the disease in canines.

30 mins

Andy Moores describes some of the procedures available for treating this condition in cats and dogs.

39 mins

December 2023

James Guthrie discusses conditions which are common in canines that have a job.

24 mins

Ian Wright examines a concerning trend in cats and dogs across the Atlantic – and how UK vets can play their part here.

38 mins

“Very few drugs have undergone proper testing for safety and efficacy in old animals. It’s only in the last 15 years when we've had that happening for drugs being specifically developed for use in old animals – particularly, for example, with osteoarthritis…”

2 mins