


Causative factors and treatment of common skin and ear presentations, as well as managing client expectations.

September 2019

Jeanette Bannoehr discusses aural and dermal conditions that often present in cats and dogs, including management and diagnosis.

37 mins

Francesco Cian discusses the case of an adult, male dog referred for lethargy, anorexia and abdominal discomfort.

5 mins

Hany Elsheikha highlights the major groups of such parasites affecting dogs and cats, and explores the idea of an individualised approach to treating patients.

43 mins

Tereza Bodnárová presents the case of Tessa, a 13-year-old female entire border collie with a history of urinary incontinence.

10 mins

August 2019

Sarah Caney details how to diagnose this common disorder, which predominantly affects older felines.

34 mins

In his latest Research Review column for Veterinary Times, Alex Gough presents more research from the veterinary field.

21 mins

Alastair Mather and Jon Hall discuss the initial presentation of this issue in canine and feline patients, as well as decision-making for surgery.

40 mins

In the second of a two-part series, Peter Kukadia looks at bacterial infection of the skin and pitfalls when discussing this complex condition with clients.

23 mins

Hany Elsheikha summarises the latest thinking on preventive health care, and discusses the importance of owners adhering to control programmes to ensure they are successful.

34 mins

Victoria Robinson, using case examples, looks at treatment and management of this chronic problem, including owner advice.

31 mins

Francesco Cian’s latest Haematology Hub column reviews the case of a dog that presented with loss of appetite, exercise intolerance and a history of persistent anaemia.

8 mins

July 2019

Serena Bassolino looks at common complications in anaesthetising patients, assessment of the situation and best course of action.

31 mins

Peter Kukadia looks at dealing with client expectations, queries and complaints related to diagnosing and treating skin disorders.

44 mins

Alix McBrearty describes methods of detecting renal conditions, including blood and urine testing, as well as imaging.

46 mins

Ian Self discusses management and, using various case examples, treatment options in canine and feline patients.

46 mins

Kelly Bowlt-Blacklock and James Warland consider situations where antibiotics are appropriate in patients undergoing surgery (part 3 of 3).

17 mins

Francesco Cian presents haematology slides from another case in the latest in his Veterinary Times series.

6 mins

Sarah Caney describes how accurate diagnosis of urinary disorders in patients is often vital to successful management.

24 mins

Chris Palgrave and Annedine Conradie present the case of a young cocker spaniel with a malformation on the omphalomesenteric duct.

6 mins

June 2019

Ian Wright takes a look at the importance of accurate parasite control, as well as latest data findings and innovations for tackling household infestations.

31 mins