August 2020

Alex Gough’s latest Research Review also looks at studies into canine parvovirus vaccine compliance, vertebral disease in pugs and the effect of vet clothing on client trust.

18 mins

July 2020

Association issues warning to primary care vets in small animal practice, as Defra updates statistics on rabies in bats to show 11 cases since 2011.

7 mins

Diego Rodrigo Mocholi discusses neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory system tools that can improve the quality of this process.

58 mins

Camilla Tørnqvist-Johnsen and Danièlle Gunn-Moore discuss the increasing prevalence of these parasites in the UK, as well as the clinical disease risk they pose to feline patients.

15 mins

Ian Wright discusses five ticks and tick-borne pathogens that have the potential to establish in the UK in the next decade.

47 mins

Francesco Cian discusses the case of a 1.5-year-old German shepherd dog seen by the referring vet for a well-circumscribed, non-ulcerated, 2.5cm in diameter cutaneous lesion on the hindlimb footpad.

9 mins

Ferran Valls Sanchez outlines the diagnostic approaches for these issues in cats and dogs, and treatment options and prognosis.

45 mins

June 2020

Gary Campbell BSc, BVSc, MRCVS Mike Farrell BVetMed, CertVA, CertSAS, DipECVS, MRCVS describe the signs associated with this presentation, as well as the assessment of both conscious and sedated or anaesthetised dogs.

32 mins

Kit Sturgess discusses the general factors to consider for these patients, engaging owners in their care and ensuring routine checks.

31 mins

Joana Aguiar describes the clinical signs of this issue and how to approach challenging cases, as well as treatment options.

32 mins

Alex Gough MA, VetMB, CertSAM, CertVC, PGCert(Neuroimaging), MRCVS presents latest companion animal studies in this Research Review.

17 mins

Ariane Neuber discusses the management and treatment of pruritus – and other common disorders – seen in dogs and cats.

34 mins

Cristina Toni and Sebastien Behr discuss Prince – a five-year-old male, castrated Staffordshire bull terrier – in this Case Notes from Vet Times.

12 mins

May 2020

Sergio Gomes and Mark Lowrie describe the classifications and manifestations of this condition, as well as current insights, treatment objectives, and conventional and alternative therapies.

41 mins

Ross Allan and Stuart Carmichael continue their advocation of having dedicated teams for this issue by discussing the importance of addressing both an immediate and long-term strategy.

37 mins

Francesco Cian DVM, DipECVCP, FRCPath, MRCVS presents the case of a mixed-breed dog referred for the presence of multiple lesions on the tongue, and enlarged submandibular and prescapular lymph nodes.

15 mins

Diego Rodrigo Mocholi DVM, MSc, PhD, MRCVS discusses the nerve blocks that can be administered to companion animal patients in the thoracic and pelvic regions, as well as techniques and considerations.

57 mins

Cesar Llanos, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS and Ines Carrera, DVM, MVM, PhD, DipECVDI, MRCVS present the case of a three-month-old entire male golden retriever presented for investigation of vomiting.

8 mins

April 2020

Samantha Taylor discusses some of the health issues frequently seen in these patients and how to help owners manage them.

34 mins

Ross Allan and Stuart Carmichael discuss the potential for practices to set up dedicated clinics for this issue – making use of the whole clinical team, as well as assessment tools and online support.

40 mins