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Clinical information, plus advice to give clients, on key areas of parasite control and prevention in companion animals.

March 2020

Ruth Wadsworth describes the unusual out-of-hours case of a six-year-old feline patient that presented vomiting blood.

7 mins

Michael Day looks at pathogens old and new associated with this condition, as well as diagnosis and vaccination.

36 mins

Maria-Christine Fischer DVM, DipECVO, MRCVS in the final of a two-part article, discusses essential steps for examining and treating this ocular condition.

48 mins

Marge Chandler concludes this article by discussing the nutritional management of a selection of disorders common in older pets.

38 mins

Emi Barker BSc(Hons), BVSc(Hons), PhD, DipECVIM-CA, MRCVS discusses the existence, definition and prevalence of glucocorticoid-deficient hypoadrenocorticism in canine patients.

29 mins

February 2020

Mike Rhodes BVM&S, CertVOphthal, DipECVO, MRCVS in the first of a two-part article, provides an overview of the most common canine ocular disorders, including clinical signs, causes and treatment.

65 mins

Ana Bach DVM, CertSAS, CertSAO, MRCVS explains what this therapeutic ocular technique involves, its aims and studies

10 mins

Karen Walsh discusses the importance and process of detection and treatment in both canine and feline patients.

49 mins

Have you ever attended a CPD course that was fulfilling, but left you wanting broader coverage or a practical angle? International Society of Feline Medicine Academy of Feline Practitioners lead Sam Taylor, BVetMed, CertSAM, DipECVIM-CA, MANZCVS, FRCVS, explains how the International Cat Care division has strived to tailor its new annual congress to provide such an offering for vets and VNs – and make time for your well-being, too.

16 mins

Becky Robinson provides an overview of this monitoring tool to equip users with the knowledge to understand its output and maximise its potential use in practice.

18 mins

Alex Gough reviews more of the veterinary research in his monthly Veterinary Times column.

20 mins

Nicola Bates and Nicola Robinson offer practical advice for first opinion practitioners – including history taking, decontamination and referring cases.

47 mins

Jenny Stavisky discusses the prevalence and presentation of this issue, and why prevention is a risk for more than just shelter dogs.

33 mins

January 2020

Ian Wright considers a systematic approach to dealing with such organisms in canine patients entering the UK from abroad.

46 mins

Rosanne Jepson BVSc, MVetMed, PhD, DipACVIM, PGCertVedEd, FHEA, MRCVS discusses what barriers can prevent this from being performed in practice and how to overcome them, while providing case examples.

42 mins

Francesco Cian, DVM, DipECVCP, FRCPath, MRCVS, discusses the case of Nala, a nine-month-old Dobermann referred for a small lesion on her nose in the first of his Diagnostic Dilemmas series.

11 mins

This article focuses on a previously unrecognised tooth fracture noticed by the referring veterinary surgeon during a routine dental scale and polish.

8 mins

Robert E Matus discusses presentation, diagnosis and treatment of this lymph node disease.

25 mins

Luca Ferasin outlines the aetiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and natural history of this issue, as well as management options.

43 mins

John Beel, BVSc, CertVOphthal, MRCVS, Elizabeth Kwint, BVetMed, GPCert Bus Admin, MRCVS, and Jerry Dunne MVB, PgCertSAS, GPCertSAS, MRCVS recount the case of a male crossbreed dog that presented with a growing mass situated under its right eye.

31 mins