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Clinical information, plus advice to give clients, on key areas of parasite control and prevention in companion animals.

October 2020

Hany Elsheikha discusses the clinical impact of infestation on pet health and potential solutions practices can implement to improve clients’ compliance with preventive strategies.

47 mins

Renata Stavinohova, Davide Berlato, Roberta Rasotto and James Oliver begin a three-part article by detailing the examination and treatment of common and important presentations in dogs.

35 mins

Simona Radaelli concludes this article by describing the most important tests to carry out to determine prognosis in these cases.

33 mins

Karen Perry discusses the diagnosis and treatment of OA, and the importance of cat owner education in their success.

66 mins

Peter Roberts details the importance of considering this common presentation alongside history, examination and testing.

36 mins

New RVC research has highlighted the considerable behavioural and psychiatric effects of Toxoplasm gondii parasite around the world.

7 mins

September 2020

Luca Ferasin describes diagnostic protocols for this issue, and treatment and management advice, including tips for dog owners.

66 mins

Alex Gough presents the latest in his Research Review articles, with the latest companion animal research for September 2020.

19 mins

Kendal Shepherd BVSc, CCAB, MRCVS discusses the response to her question on a social media page that considered the impact of this measure on dogs.

19 mins

Emma Baker BVetMed, MSc, MRCVS Emma Brown BVSc, PGDip, CCAB, MRCVS Caroline Warnes BVSc, MSc, CCAB, MRCVS in the first of a two-part article – and with fireworks season approaching – describe the aetiology of this issue, as well as diagnosis and initial management.

33 mins

Jo Murrell discusses diagnosis and treatment of this issue, including the use of clinical metrology instruments to quantify it.

64 mins

Ross Allan and Stuart Carmichael explore techniques their vet practice has developed for using this form of telemedicine in the small animal sector.

39 mins

Hany Elsheikha BVSc, MVSc, PhD, PGCHE, FHEA, DipEVPC discusses the efficacy of macrocyclic lactones across multiple species, as well as considerations before using them.

52 mins

From the Vet Times Diagnostic Dilemmas series – Francesco Cian focuses on the case of a 10-year-old mixed‑breed dog that presented for evaluation of haematuria and dysuria.

15 mins

Marge Chandler discusses the challenges of dealing with this issue in practice – including assessment, contributing factors, dietary management and owner communication.

49 mins

Tom Hinchliffe describes the case of four-year-old male neutered cocker spaniel Harley.

11 mins

August 2020

Sarah Caney discusses assessment recommendations for this common illness in senior cats, as well as strategies to slow its progression.

32 mins

Having documented his transition from student to new graduate in Grad Expectations, then offered readers an honest and open account of his experiences and mistakes as an intern in Practice Makes Perfect, regular Vet Times contributor Dave Beeston embarks on his latest column sharing the next step on his career path as an emergency and critical care resident.

26 mins

Emma Donnelly, Dan Lewis, Laura Conroy and Charlotte Johnston look at the three components of the first stage of assessing patients, as well as the more common conditions that cause dysfunction in these systems.

54 mins

Chris Linney and João Neves detail this case from the asymptomatic phase to the clinical phase, and present a rationale for such diagnoses.

24 mins