July 2021

Lacey Pitcher RVN, discusses the importance of understanding neurological differences between people in the workplace, and how these differences can make a difference…

4 mins

Elle Payne covers the grading and management of this common spinal cord condition, before detailing care that can be offered by veterinary nurses.

22 mins

June 2021

April Louise Murphy discusses care of rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters, including husbandry and nutrition.

51 mins

Virbac highlights the differences between hypoallergy and dermatology diets, and the benefits of high protein in the management of skin diseases.

6 mins

May 2021

Stacey Westcott looks at critical factors to consider when treating these conditions, including nutrition, environment and medication.

28 mins

In this month's Eye on EBVM column, three RVNs tested RCVS Knowledge’s updated free online EBVM Learning course, and reveal what they thought of it and why you should take a look.

13 mins

April 2021

Nicola Williams shares her passion for this speciality and advice on how to get involved.

11 mins

Leonie Ager discusses the most prevalent causes of these conditions in cats and dogs, and treatments.

33 mins

Elle Payne explains how the veterinary nurse assists in caring for canine patients with this disease.

Stacey Bullock looks at CPD within the profession and the options available to vet nurses.

29 mins

March 2021

Emma Gerrard advises on how to tackle these tricky parasites as spring approaches.

32 mins

Claire Bloor shares her love for dentistry and experiencing in this field of vet nursing.

11 mins

Heather Kirkness advises on how these types of injury are treated to help VNs deliver the best possible care to patients.

44 mins

With spring just around the corner, Matt takes a look at nurse care and support to tortoises coming out of hibernation.

30 mins

To mark International Women’s Day (8 March), emergency and critical care nurse Elle Haskey looks at the changes in veterinary nursing during the past 20 years, including the rise of female voices.

8 mins

February 2021

Gillian Gordon explores how – through better education – to get the most out of this service.

36 mins

Nicola Ackerman offers advice on how to master the art of talking to reluctant clients, and the importance of this “soft skill” in gaining compliance.

28 mins

Val Strong, Karen Marsh, Ross Tiffin and Christine Ward explore how a novel form of dog food may help with stress and anxiety in these animals.

32 mins

Laura Lacey details the disease processes that can affect small animal patients as they get older, and the importance of sharing with owners what is normal and what is not.

39 mins

Whatever kind of nurse you are, evidence-based veterinary medicine can help you provide the best possible care for the animals in your trust – and RCVS Knowledge has a variety of free resources to help you do just this.