January 2010

Kirsten Pickles BVMS, MSc, Cert EIM, PhD, Dip ECEIM, MRCVS and Jenny Clements BVSc, MSc, … more

23 mins

James Gasson nursing manager and theatre supervisor, concludes his series with a look at the pros and cons of disposable versus reusable surgical scrubs, and at various aseptic gloving techniques.

19 mins

Michelle Donovan RVN, DipAVN(Medicine), discusses the part VNs have to play in stabilising and managing … more

34 mins

Rachel Horton VN, gives practical advice for veterinary nurses on helping clients to prevent ear … more

10 mins

December 2009

Claire Millington RCVS communications manager, explains VN council and talks to two members about their … more

14 mins

Sophie Lamb RVN, explains the clinical signs of heart disease, and details treatment methods for … more

28 mins

Glen Cousquer RCVS, BVM&S, CertZooMed, explains the pros and cons of rabbit neutering and addresses … more

16 mins

James Gasson operating department manager, on the objectives of surgical hand antisepsis and methods to … more

22 mins

Rachel Horton VN, provides some practical advice for the effective treatment of ear mites and … more

11 mins

November 2009

Amanda Arme RVN, finds that a dog called Minstrel lived up to his name, and … more

16 mins

Mary Fraser BVMS, PhD, CertVD, PGCHE, FHEA, CBiol, MIBiol, MRCVS, examines the primary and secondary … more

15 mins

Lisa Thompson DipAVN(surg), looks at the conditions causing spinal problems in dogs and how nursing … more

19 mins

Maggie Shilcock BSc (Zool), CMS offers some basic pointers to make your next appraisal a … more

19 mins

Sian Norris BScAnSc, VN, CHA hydrotherapist, PGCAn, Phys (pending), on the theory of exercise in … more

19 mins

Tim Watson PhD, BVM&S, MRCVS, shares his experiences of going digital and explores the options … more

25 mins

Ariane Neuber DrMedVet, CertVD, DipECVD, MRCVS, discusses the process of taking samples to identify the … more

17 mins

Claire King RVN, reviews the 2009 Rabbit Welfare Fund Conference, where the latest thinking on … more

14 mins

October 2009

Rosie Fernee BSc (Hons), VN, describes the background to this debilitating disease and the nursing … more

15 mins

Sandy Griffith RVN, BFRP, looks at the disease spread and the causative agents for some … more

28 mins

Vicki Brown VetMB, BA, BSc, MRCVS looks at the background to this potentially severe zoonotic … more

18 mins