August 2011
July 2011
Sue Paterson MA, VetMed, DVD, DipECVD, MRCVS explores normal hair growth patterns and how and … more
18 minsMaria Thompson VN Times assistant editor, finds out how a newly formed detective agency sets … more
Linda Roberts VTS(Oncology), DipAVN(Medicine), outlines common procedures for such cases in the second of her … more
June 2011
Linda Roberts VTS (Oncology), DipAVN (Medicine), RVN, delves into the depths of how and why … more
26 minsRobin Fearon, investigates a project using dogs as therapy in an American young offenders’ institute … more
Livia Benato, CertZooMed, GPCert (ExAP), DVM, MRCVS, discusses issues that often arise in these patients, … more
Helen Tottey RVN, draws on current debate surrounding the role of nurses and how this … more
Emma Dahm reports from a fundraising event for Hounds for Heroes, organised by VNs VETERINARY … more
May 2011
Sarah Caney BVSc, PhD, DSAM (Feline), discusses triggers of urinary tract disease in cats and … more
23 minsGlen Cousquer BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertZooMed, PGDE MRCVS discusses how and why hock sores and foot … more
Steve Goward discusses various ways in which dogs learn and apply behaviours FOR many years … more
Kay Bullen VN, shares her experiences of raising hoglets with the ultimate aim of successfully … more
April 2011
Emma Cooper took a poll of nurses to gather opinion on whether introducing new badges … more
12 minsMaria Thompson talks to Karen Lawe about improving the lives of deaf dogs through obedience … more