December 2012

Emma Cooper VN Times assistant editor, speaks to Dogs Trust’s Paula Boyden about the charity’s … more

17 mins

Sarah Caney BVSc, PhD, DSAM(Feline), MRCVS, offers an insight into identifying cases and following through … more

9 mins

Jon Bowen BVetMed, DipAS(CABC), MRCVS and Jaume Fatjo DVM, Dipl ECVBM-CA, PhD report on the … more

12 mins

Robin Fearon freelance journalist, talks to a VN whose love for her gundogs inspired her … more

20 mins

Emma Whitlock RVN, BSc(Hons), PGDip, MCAM discusses how owners should be educated about near-natural diets … more

27 mins

Samantha Adshead RVN, VTS, concludes with a look at pain management techniques for patients undergoing … more

8 mins

November 2012

Angiy Michael RVN, describes her journey from VN to human nurse and how this has … more

14 mins

Claire Bloor MA Ed, BSc(Hons), RVN, PGCE, QTLS, CertVN(Dent) takes a look at the occurrence … more

4 mins

DEBATE around whether nurses should automatically qualify as SQPs – and if so how the change … more

10 mins

A LONGSIDE presidential business, the Sunday of BVNA Congress also saw nurses from around the … more

5 mins

Claire Millington RCVS communications officer, reports on the RCVS VN council’s development and achievements over … more

16 mins

Samantha Adshead RVN, VTS, looks at caring for eyes prior to and during surgery and … more

24 mins

THIS series of books is published by Cat/ Dog Professional, a sub-division of Vet Professionals … more

4 mins

Jo Brown RVN, City and Guilds Cert VNES, focuses on making pet birds’ lives better … more

22 mins

Wendy Bament RVN, MSc, BSc(Hons) takes a look at this pet’s environment and adaptations and … more

23 mins

October 2012

Jennifer Dobson BSc(Hons), CCAB explains the differences between these states and how animals respond to … more

29 mins

Emma Cooper speaks to the founder of a UK support network especially for owners of … more

14 mins

Katherine King BSc(Hons), REVN, discusses how veterinary nurses can make the difference when it comes … more

26 mins

Jo Brown RVN, City and Guilds Cert VNES, describes the importance of appropriate diets, and … more

30 mins

THIS is a book that I received in December 2007, but the wonders of the … more

4 mins