February 2014
Nicola Ackerman BSc (Hons), RVN, CertSAN, CertVN ECC, A1, V1, C-SQP, offers a brief overview … more
17 minsMenna Field RVN, reports on a dramatic case brought into her practice that threatened a … more
Louise O’Dwyer MBA, BSc (Hons), VTS (ECC), DipAVN (Medical and Surgical), RVN, considers the importance … more
January 2014
Andrea Bradley LVN, shares her concern for fellow professionals who are struggling to overcome suicidal … more
19 minsClaire Bloor MA Ed, BSc (Hons), RVN, PGCE, QTLS, CertVN (Dent), stresses the importance of … more
Luke Bishop, encourages nurses to stand for election to VN council by explaining some of … more
Nicola Ackerman BSc (Hons), RVN, CertSAN, CertECC, A1, V1, C-SQP (Hons), MBVNA, offers advice on … more
December 2013
Emma Cooper and James Westgate, speak to VNs and SVNs about BVNA’s well-being survey, set … more
11 minsClaire Bloor MA Ed, BSc(Hons),VN, RVN, PGCE, QTLS, CertVN(Dent) discusses diagnostic techniques and treatments VNs … more
Glen Cousquer BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertZooMed, PGDE, MRCVS, looks at how certain diseases can be transmitted … more
Alison Young DipAVN(Surgery), VTS(Surgery) RVN, looks at techniques and nursing approaches needed to ensure optimal … more
Stuart Greenfield HND Animal Welfare, BSc student in Applied Animal Behaviour, discusses the importance of … more
Christopher Shivelton Queen BSc, BVSc MRCVS, reveals how a new coating can protect expensive gadgets … more
Viki Edwards BSc RVN, newly appointed as a veterinary nursing lecturer, recalls her excitement and … more
November 2013
Emma Gerrard BSc(Hons), DipAVN(SA), DipHE CVN, RVN, K-SQP, PHC, MBVNA, has advice for nurses dealing … more
37 minsVictoria Roberts BVSc, MRCVS, looks at the growing trend for amateur poultry keeping and has … more
Wendy Bament RVN, in the second part of her article (part 1: VNT13.10), discusses correct … more
Emma Cooper VN Times assistant editor, catches up with the PDSA’s community and education team … more