December 2018

This month, RVN and BVNA council member Gemma Reeve reaches out to colleagues to remind them that, even at the toughest times of the year, the association is there for them.

5 mins

Kit Sturgess discusses the causes, management and treatment of gastrointestinal issues in small animal patients.

48 mins

This month, VN council vice-chairman Liz Cox throws down the gauntlet to fellow veterinary nurses to take the lead on quality improvement in practice for the benefit of all.

7 mins

November 2018

Stacey Blease was appointed BVNA head of learning and development six months ago. Here, she reflects on her journey so far, what she has achieved since boarding the "BVNA bus", and considers what the future may hold for the organisation.

16 mins

Julii Elliott was the winner of last year's £1,000 bursary for the Certificate of Veterinary Nursing in Emergency and Critical Care course, courtesy of VN Times and Vets Now. Here, the RVN reflects on her experience, the challenges of study and the joys of completion.

27 mins

This month we are joined by a ZSL London Zoo RVN, who talks about life on the wild side of animal care.

17 mins

Gayle Morrison and Peter Forsythe outline a strategy for dealing with this ear disease in small animals to maximise the chances of a successful outcome and minimise the likelihood of chronic disease onset.

38 mins

In this month's Practice Champions feature, we’ve teamed up with Virbac and hear from Louise Manton, who discusses the importance of feeding pets the right diet for their age, breed size and lifestyle.

9 mins

From treating lemurs with lasers and checking penguin chicks, to scanning pregnant sloths while up stepladders, and caring for poorly pigs, no two days are the same for a zoo RVN. Holly Kernot visited ZSL London Zoo to find out more...

49 mins

BVNA honorary treasurer Erika Feilberg discusses work-life balance and how sometimes, you have to say no.

8 mins

Claire Bloor explores the significance of veterinary nurses’ involvement in the provision of dental services – both in the veterinary surgery environment and take-home advice for owners.

30 mins

October 2018

Jen Oliver discusses the intricacies of hyperthyroid cases and the VN role within them – from assisting early detection to client education.

15 mins

Marge Chandler breaks down the never-ending myriad of pet dietary offerings to aid veterinary nurses in helping their clients make nutritional choices.

50 mins

Canine hydrotherapy has been a treatment option for more than two decades, yet the canine hydrotherapist's role remains unregulated. Angela Griffiths, owner and chief executive of Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation Referrals in Surrey, explains why she is leading a revolution for regulation.

17 mins

Emma Goodman Milne – well known for her appearances on BBC1’s Vets in Practice – is the BVNA Congress keynote speaker. She talks to Congress Times about how the profession has changed since the programme, the role of VNs in practice, the importance of work-life balance, and her series of children’s books.

22 mins

In the next of our series, we hear from an RVN's experience helping rhinos in South Africa – with one case in particular that has stayed close to her heart.

16 mins

The components used in orthopaedics – including plates, screws, pins, wires, washers, bolts and clamps – are similar to those found in Meccano kits. Alison Young explores those similarities by discussing the implants used in small animal patients.

32 mins

Amy Newfield details the latest studies and the importance of best practice in this ever-evolving field of veterinary medicine, by defining the facts among the fiction.

42 mins

Rosie Bescoby offers some words of wisdom to RVNs in maximising owner compliance when it comes to ensuring their pets are kept as calm as possible during this season.

30 mins

VN Times editor Holly Kernot uses Lewis Carroll’s timeless tome to discuss the array of adventures RVNs embark on and ask readers, where do you want to go?

5 mins