


Content on the management of urinary system disorders, including urinary tract disease and kidney disease.

August 2019

Abi Charteris explains the vital role nurses can play in early detection and subsequent management of acute and chronic forms of this condition in companion animals.

44 mins

Advanced referral nurse Flick Caldwell, who has a rare hereditary disability, explains how she stays strong in the face of adversity, how her support networks helps her through, and why disabled people should never give up on their dreams.

34 mins

July 2019

Joanne Brown and Victoria Robinson discuss the pathogenesis of otitis, its diagnosis and treatment options that can be used to improve owner compliance and aid response to therapy.

35 mins

RVN Kelly Eyre looks at how studying older cats can help improve quality of life in later years.

7 mins

Nadia Wiseman discusses the importance of keeping owners of the UK's third most popular pet informed and up to date with their welfare needs.

34 mins

Louise Northway urges colleagues to learn from mistakes, embrace CPD and, if the time is right, spread their wings.

11 mins

RVN Melissa Cook shares her journey to becoming a physiotherapist and running her own physiotherapy business, as well as tips for those wanting to follow in her footsteps.

16 mins

June 2019

Nick Coleman is an internal medicine RVN at Paragon Veterinary Referrals in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Here, he shares his career journey, the best aspects of the job and his pearls of wisdom when it comes to working in the field.

9 mins

Jane Davidson explains the importance of reporting accidental needlestick injuries, and asks whether the avoidance of £1.32 per patient is worth a possible compensation claim worth thousands.

10 mins

Two RVN friends recount their adventures from spending a month volunteering at the only veterinary clinic in the Cook Islands.

18 mins

Helen Benney details considerations around performing the vital perianaesthetic role required for patients with cardiovascular disease.

40 mins

Elle Payne talks about how she overcame dyslexia and dyspraxia to achieve her ambitions – and urges everyone to strive for their goals.

6 mins

Esme Hawkes discusses advice VNs can share with owners in the build-up to this season, from travel, vaccines, treating endemic and non-endemic ticks to infections – and everything in between.

24 mins

David Beeston discusses the idea of removing the stigma around making mistakes and the key role veterinary nurses can play in quality improvement.

29 mins

May 2019

Hannah Canning shares her top tips on making students feel welcome in practice, the joy of welcoming the next generation to the profession and why she loves what she does.

16 mins

VMG president Gillian Page explains why she has chosen "collaboration" as the theme for her presidential year and her route to becoming one of the UK's first VNs to own their own practice.

21 mins

Melanie Sainsbury shares her experiences of working in small animal practice and as a veterinary education manager.

10 mins

Esme Hawkes discusses the role veterinary professionals play in ensuring pet owners are on board with everything from microchipping and vaccinations, to flea and tick treatment, training and behaviour.

29 mins

The BVNA president explains how she almost became a schoolteacher before discovering the joys of veterinary nursing, and outlines her hopes for the remainder of her presidential year.

13 mins

Gemma Reeve bangs the drum for this year's Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month theme, which is exploring the variety of nursing options out there.

7 mins