Louise Northway reinforces the scale of anaesthetic role veterinary nurses play, as well as possibilities for further training and advanced physiological parameters that can be monitored.
Rebecca Westwood explains how working abroad made her the person she is today, why she forged her own business, and why holistic therapy can complement veterinary medicine and benefit all parties.
Sally Bartlett details her adventures – from assisting with an operation concerning a poorly pangolin, to bottle-feeding orphans and getting hands on with rehabilitation – and urges nurses to take action before this beautiful, but threatened, species is wiped out.
Anne McBride discusses ways VNs can encourage owners to provide a good quality of life for senior pets by explaining how age is a physical state, but being old is a state of mind.
Prompted by a calendar reminder from this time last year, Jane Davidson offers some advice to those considering standing for RCVS VN council – and to act sooner rather than later if interested.
Jessica Bold explains how to handle cases, why puppy parties may be the key to preventing fear and how vital it is, above all, for VNs to keep calm and carry on...