VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard talks to an RVN about how her volunteering trip to the southernmost tip of Africa brought her face to face with big cats and bolstered her recovery from anxiety.
VN Ruth Clooney-Power, the winner of our emergency and critical care bursary competition, begins her bi-monthly update on how the course is progressing...
VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard continues the series of documenting VNs as they learn new skills or take the lead in practice by meeting RVN Samantha Ford, who has a passion for all things itchy and scaly.
Beginning with the end in mind is a vital skill to set targets and measure success. Libby Sheridan discusses the benefits of planning nurse clinics using this approach.
VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard continues her look at RVNs’ daily working patterns by heading to a Liverpool small animal practice for a male perspective on the role.
In a new series, VN Times hears from VNs who have learned or taken up a skill in practice they are proud of. Ann-Marie Mayren from the St Helens branch of White Cross Vets tells us how she has learned to suture.
The BVNA has announced the new members of its council. If you’re thinking this is a bit out of the blue, I suppose it is, mainly because of that bugbear of mine – lack of engagement.