May 2019

The BVNA president explains how she almost became a schoolteacher before discovering the joys of veterinary nursing, and outlines her hopes for the remainder of her presidential year.

13 mins

In celebration of Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM), we at VN Times would like to take you back in time to the very roots of the veterinary nurse role, how it has evolved and the conception of VNAM.

8 mins

April 2019

Emily Gardiner-Warren worked as a VN before turning to teaching. She is now a lecturer, tutor, programme manager and head of a centre. Here, she talks about how and why she went back to the classroom, and shares her advice on getting into teaching.

18 mins

An animal nursing assistant talks about her journey from pharmacy dispenser to working in the veterinary sphere.

27 mins

March 2019

Marie Rippingale – who has been at the coalface for equine veterinary nursing for many years – explains why she believes district veterinary nursing should be formally recognised and how it could enhance well-being for all.

15 mins

Having switched countries and careers numerous time, Tanja Klein reflects on her unusual route into the profession and why she loves her job.

25 mins

February 2019

VN Times hears from an RVN who, in pursuit of a bucket list ambition, took a year out of practice to embark on life-changing adventures.

26 mins

Amie Britton, in a two-part article, explores the increasing popularity of this VN role aspect and how to run it to achieve optimum result. This month, she explains the complexities of communication and how to conduct an effective consult.

33 mins

January 2019

Laura Lacey provides readers with an overview of the various routes to becoming a VN, what each can offer, and career progression and diversification opportunities once qualified.

33 mins

In the first The Consult for 2019, VN Times speaks to an RVN who recounts her many roles within the profession – from volunteering for charities to establishing her own business – and urges colleagues to aspire to their ambitions, whatever they may be.

21 mins

December 2018

RVN Sophie McMurrough is a veterinary technician specialist in small animal medicine – a qualification gained in Washington DC. She explains the origins of the “exciting” role, why no day is the same, and how holding the qualification could enable VNs to progress and get the “recognition they deserve”.

18 mins

In our final column of the year, a deaf RVN shares her journey and undeterred determination to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse.

18 mins

November 2018

Stacey Blease was appointed BVNA head of learning and development six months ago. Here, she reflects on her journey so far, what she has achieved since boarding the "BVNA bus", and considers what the future may hold for the organisation.

16 mins

Julii Elliott was the winner of last year's £1,000 bursary for the Certificate of Veterinary Nursing in Emergency and Critical Care course, courtesy of VN Times and Vets Now. Here, the RVN reflects on her experience, the challenges of study and the joys of completion.

27 mins

This month we are joined by a ZSL London Zoo RVN, who talks about life on the wild side of animal care.

17 mins

From treating lemurs with lasers and checking penguin chicks, to scanning pregnant sloths while up stepladders, and caring for poorly pigs, no two days are the same for a zoo RVN. Holly Kernot visited ZSL London Zoo to find out more...

49 mins

October 2018

Jen Oliver discusses the intricacies of hyperthyroid cases and the VN role within them – from assisting early detection to client education.

15 mins

Canine hydrotherapy has been a treatment option for more than two decades, yet the canine hydrotherapist's role remains unregulated. Angela Griffiths, owner and chief executive of Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation Referrals in Surrey, explains why she is leading a revolution for regulation.

17 mins

In the next of our series, we hear from an RVN's experience helping rhinos in South Africa – with one case in particular that has stayed close to her heart.

16 mins

Holly Kernot speaks to Tree of Life for Animals founder Rachel Wright, who lifts the lid on more than a decade of helping animals in need, changing the perception of pets in India – and how VNs should follow their dreams.

18 mins