Victoria Plimmer BSc(Hons), VPAC, RVN, NCert(Anaesth), explains the importance of knowledge, teamwork and communication to ensure a successful outcome in this area.
Kerry Brundell Cert VN ECC, RVN, discusses liver function and clinical signs of this disease, as well as diagnosis, treatment and the care veterinary nurses can provide.
Lizzie Bradley-Covey RVN, in part two of her article, covers undernutrition and overfeeding, continuous rate infusion versus bolus feeding and correct parenteral nutrition use
Cassie Woods BSc(Hons), CertNCS(RVN Cons), RVN, discusses how the use of REVNs can help further improve and provide the optimum care and support to sports horses.
Debbie Gray RVN, outlines the challenges veterinary nurses may face when trying to effect change in a practice, and shares some strategies to help achieve success.
Referral nurses Rachel Forrest and Millie Motley consider the importance of being informed when dealing for these patients and the difference vet nurses can make.
Vet nurses have a vast skill set that can be used and developed in so many ways. VN Times invited four talented nurses to share their wisdom, having carved out careers that now maintain vital human-animal bonds and care for the people and pets in their care.
Rosina Lillywhite explores the critical role equine nurses can play in combating this pervasive issue, focusing on education, nutritional management, exercise planning and behavioural interventions.
Charlotte Pace outlines tangible and actionable steps every veterinary nurse can put into place daily, including emergency presentations, complications and dealing with chronic patients.
Samantha Fontaine, Susan Holt, Gemma Irwin-Porter, Rachel Lumbis, Hamish Morrin, Sarah Vivian and Georgia Woods-Lee discuss the need for this type of VN, drawing on their own motives and experiences.