March 2022

This International Women's Day, head of nursing services at Northwest Veterinary Services Kathryn Latimer Jones wants to empower women who left the profession to become mothers to return, saying it is “absolutely possible” to be both an RVN and parent.

15 mins

A conversation with a concerned friend leads Jane Davidson to consider the public’s lack of knowledge when it comes to safely interacting with other people’s canine companions.

9 mins

February 2022

Now into the third year of her PhD, Jane Davidson shares some unexpected finds from her dive into the veterinary archives.

8 mins

January 2022

An amusing made-up word leads Jane down a historical rabbit hole, in which she discovers the original meaning of two very similar words and concepts.

7 mins

During the course of her PhD research, Jane Davidson stumbles upon the real reason there are so many near-identical surgical instruments available to confuse OSCE candidates.

7 mins

December 2021

In her final post of 2021, Jane delves into the subject of social policy and, specifically, asks whether RCVS committee members should be in tune with the issues of risk and trust as models of health care systems.

6 mins

In her 2021 Christmas message, as another strange year draws to a close Jane Davidson highlights the importance of avoiding “toxic positivity” online and using your social media to nurture mental health.

11 mins

Jane RVN finds herself wondering at the similarities between the quirks and foibles exhibited by her beloved greyhound Joey and those of her friends’ equine companions.

9 mins

Forget cultivating that moustache or dousing yourself with a bucket of iced water; instead, take on Jane RVN’s “Be Kind” winter challenge and look after yourself this Christmas.

8 mins

November 2021

Having recently recognised some confusion around the subject, Jane Davidson offers a refresher on the Code of Professional Conduct regarding RVNs, laypeople and anaesthesia in small animals.

12 mins

Delving back into her clinical nursing skills to look after an injured Joey saw Jane Davidson look to evaluate her own emotional well-being.

10 mins

October 2021

Aware of the furore surrounding the recent BVA campaign, Jane Davidson describes her own past experiences and how, if used in an intentionally negative way, an emoji is never “just” an emoji.

12 mins

After surviving numerous encounters with high-maintenance Pekingese, Jane Davidson now relays the perils of owning a hound – especially during cobnut season.

7 mins

To mark Baby Loss Awareness Week 2021, RVN Sally Linghorn shares a very personal account of this sadly common heartache, and encourages discussion among other female vet professionals suffering in silence.

16 mins

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” goes the well-known proverb used to encourage optimism in the face of adversity. Unfortunately for Jane RVN, there are no lemons in sight…

9 mins

Closer working between veterinary and NHS nurses can improve the mental well-being of us and our patients, writes Helen Ballantyne.

18 mins

September 2021

Jane Davidson describes how she found herself turning to a previously ignored form of exercise after being forced to abandon her beloved gym sessions for health reasons.

8 mins

August 2021

Jane Davidson explains the emotions evoked by this buffet table classic...

8 mins

Building on her past blog on summer safety, Jane Davidson highlights key safety tips so you and your dog can enjoy exploring the coast.

8 mins

July 2021

The sight of a dog running along the beach and splashing excitedly into the sea is a wondrous thing to behold, but it’s not without its hazards, as Jane Davidson explains.

8 mins